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OKR Template

This pre-built template helps you define the steps to take toward achieving quarterly objectives and key results, or OKRs. 

#objectives #keyresults #okrs #okrplanning #strategicplanning

Simplify your strategic planning 

When business, team, and individual goals aren’t outlined effectively, your entire organization can have difficulty moving all work forward. 

Does your company experience these issues? 

  • Connecting individual work to company goals
  • Effectively aligning with the business on strategic planning
  • Monitoring progress throughout project life cycles

Eliminate these obstacles with Wrike’s OKR template 

  • Connect specific work with high-level company objectives
  • Improve project and task execution 
  • Keep track of individual, team, and company progress regularly

Why you need this template

<h5>Clarify goals</h5>
Clarify goals

Are your goals simply too vague? Clearly record specific objectives and metrics for success, and determine which tactics and strategies will achieve them in Wrike.

<h5>Track progress</h5>
Track progress

Does your team struggle to track progress, leaving no time to course-correct? Set up weekly, monthly, and quarterly check-ins with Wrike to monitor progress and adjust if things go off track.

<h5>Align teams</h5>
Align teams

Is it difficult to see how your work affects strategic goals? Start with business objectives, then department, team, and individual goals. Link them together so everyone is aligned.

<p>Reach your goals with Wrike</p>

Reach your goals with Wrike

<p>Reach your goals with Wrike</p>

How to use the OKR template

Are you struggling to see how individual work connects to broader company goals? Do you have limited visibility into project progress?

Wrike’s OKR template will help you correctly format OKRs and monitor progress to ensure projects stay on track, both in the short and long term. 

This template has multiple Custom Item Types to get you started, including Objectives, Key Results, Action Items, and Deliverables.


Companies often run into problems in strategic planning, such as setting unattainable targets, not making objectives clear to all stakeholders, executing work that doesn’t align to goals, or failing to track progress until the project has already derailed. Keeping OKRs organized and visible can be difficult, and teams often lack the structure for regularly monitoring progress against those OKRs. Wrike’s OKR template will help you create, organize, and monitor individual, team, and company goals. 

Step 1: Build your OKR project

Hold an OKR planning session with your team to determine OKRs. Create new tasks in real time, add key details, and assign accountability for them. Organize them in a shared folder and create subtasks as necessary. 

Create a public Space so all team members and stakeholders can have visibility into OKRs. Each team member can then consider their own contributions toward achieving team OKRs to further the company’s goals. 

Step 2: Track your progress 

This template comes with several Custom Item Types, which will help you get a jump-start on documenting and monitoring your progress. 

These include:

  •  Objectives and Key Results, which aid with clear documentation of your OKRs
  • Action Items, which you’ll use to assign tasks to team members
  • Deliverables, which will support OKRs for documentation

Step 3: Report OKR results

At the end of the quarter or year, it’s important to share OKR results to make adjustments for the next period. As you hit goals and mark subtasks as complete, the green progress bar will fill up, giving you a quick visual of how far you’ve come and how far you have yet to go. 


Make Wrike work for you

Wrike can support your OKR planning, but did you know it could also help you streamline other parts of your work, from organizing meeting notes to employee time tracking? 

Our powerful features include: 

Whether you work for a small organization or a large company, Wrike can be tailored to suit the way you work. You can easily design a workspace that suits your project or team. 

Resources for OKR planning

Take a tour of Wrike’s blog posts, reports, and eBooks.

Blog post
Find out how to write achievable OKRs in six simple steps
Undertaking marketing planning? Here’s how to avoid common pitfalls
Get a better understanding of how work complexity costs organizations resources
<p>Ready to try this template in Wrike?</p>

Ready to try this template in Wrike?

<p>Ready to try this template in Wrike?</p>


How to install this template in your account

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