プロフェッショナルサービスセクターは多岐にわたり、ITからマーケティング、および法務や会計などの多種の業界が含まれています。 これらの専門職の多様な性質にも関わらず、それぞれの業界はプロジェクトマネージャーやチームリーダーによる リソース とキャパシティプラニングへの戦略的アプローチの恩恵を受けています。
プロジェクト設定の際にリソースを過剰利用しないように注意を払うことは、生産性の命取りとなる従業員の燃え尽き症候群などを避けるための1つの方法です。Mayo Clinic(メイヨークリニック)によると、従業員が職場でストレスを抱えている場合、仕事と生活のバランスが取れていない場合、または作業負荷がきちんとコントロールされていない場合などに燃え尽き症候群が発生します。Business Insiderはアメリカの労働者の40%から50%が燃え尽き症候群を経験しているそうです。これは、より効果的なリソースプラニングプロセスの構築がさらに重要であることを意味しています。
PMとリソースマネージャーは、キャパシティプラニングによって組織の将来のニーズを評価し、それに対応します。 将来の需要や過去データ、トレンド、季節による変動、それに加え不規則な状況なども考慮する戦略的で長期的なアプローチが必要です。上記を検討することでPMやリソースマネージャーは実用的データをもとにして意思決定を行います。
- 需要とキャパシティの要件を分析する リソースマネージャーはデータを基にして、特定な時期またはプロジェクトタイプが、リソース増加の必要性、または現行リソースの作業負荷の増加を示していると判断することもあります。これは重要なデータです!
- 現在のキャパシティおよび計画されたキャパシティを評価する スタッフの増加が必要ですか?現チームは作業負荷を増やす余裕がありますか?今後のプロジェクトに必要なスキルが不足していますか?
- キャパシティと、需要および将来の目標を整合する プロジェクトマネージャーやリソースマネージャーは、通常、何が起こっているかについて少なくとも大まかに理解しています。このような見識は、主要目標の達成に必要な人材およびその他のリソースに対する現在の状況を整合する際の助けになります。
Why is resource planning important?
Even before a project moves into the execution phase, it is important for project or resource managers to look ahead at what will be needed throughout the project’s life cycle. Based on the length and nature of a particular initiative, a project manager should have a good idea of who and what is required to accomplish critical tasks that will ultimately result in project completion.
Resource planning is more effective when project managers have visibility into workloads and can forecast demand, review historical project data, and utilize team members based on skills, location, performance, and availability. Much of this can be accomplished with project management solutions such as Wrike.
Taking care not to overutilize resources in a project setting is one way to prevent productivity killers such as employee burnout. According to the Mayo Clinic, employee burnout can occur when a worker is experiencing stress in the workplace, work-life imbalance, or a lack of control over their workload. Business Insider notes that 40-50% of American workers experience burnout, meaning it is more critical than ever to have an effective resource planning process in place.
Resource planning for professional services keeps projects running smoothly and sets the stage for on-time and on-budget project delivery. It also helps firms understand their ability to take on new work based on the future capacity of their workforce — otherwise known as capacity planning.
Effective resource planning and allocation can be the difference between project failure and success.
What is a resource plan?
A resource plan is a guiding document that a manager uses to effectively identify, allocate, and monitor a project’s resources. It contains detailed information on all the available resources and how they will be used and managed. Think of it as a roadmap that can be consulted throughout a project to ensure it is on the right track.
Typical components of a resource plan include:
- Resource list
- Team roles
- Resource location and contact information
- Equipment/material costs
- Vendor/freelancer contracts
- Overall budget
- Milestones and due dates
- Performance metrics
- Issue log
Resource plans are an essential document for any resource manager, so it’s vital to ensure they are accurate and do not omit any crucial details.
How to make a resource plan
There are four simple steps to creating a resource plan:
1. Make a list
List all the available resources for your project. This includes your finances, equipment and other materials, team members, and external contributors (e.g., freelancers). Add all the relevant information, including contact details and where your resources are located. Your list should be as detailed as possible, so you don’t have to waste time looking for information when you need it.
2. Schedule a meeting
Before you assign project roles and responsibilities, it’s a good idea to bring your team members together to discuss their personal abilities and capacity. Issues can crop up if a resource manager assigns a task to someone who does not have the required training or bandwidth to complete it. This is also an ideal opportunity for individuals to pair up with a similarly skilled colleague to split a task.
3. Add a calendar
Now you know who will be working on what tasks, you can create a resource calendar to monitor specified working hours, company holidays, and planned time off. Align this with key project milestones to ensure nothing gets missed. Your calendar should also track the timeframe of resource consumption — for example, a new shipment of project materials might last two weeks.
4. Create a budget
Controlling costs is an integral part of resource planning. A detailed project budget will help you keep track of spending and ensure you don’t run out of resources before your project is completed. Match your resource costs to your available funds, adding a buffer for unexpected costs. If your team previously worked on a similar project, you can use this data to make your current budget.
Once your resource plan is in place, you should consult it regularly as part of the monitoring process.
Resource planning tools
There are many different tools and features that can help with resource planning. It’s advisable to opt for a software solution that includes the following features:
- Templates: Save time with ready-made templates for each aspect of your resource planning and allocation. Complement your resource plan with a product roadmap, view team workloads at a glance with Kanban boards, and keep stakeholders in the loop with a solid communication plan.
- Calendars: As mentioned, calendars are an integral tool for resource planning. With shared calendars, you can keep track of multiple team schedules, spot potential bottlenecks early, and readjust deadlines if necessary.
- Time tracking: Encourage your teams to use a time tracker so you can quickly assess how long each task takes and allot resources accordingly. When you track time, you build up a valuable bank of data to use for future resource planning, improving your accuracy with each project.
- Reports: Monitor your resources on a daily or weekly basis with automated reporting tools. Regular insights will help you analyze your team’s performance, balance workloads, track billable hours, and stay within budget.
Choosing an all-in-one software platform such as Wrike means you can consolidate the above tools in one place, increasing efficiency and simplifying the resource planning process.