You can look forward to:

<h5>Start smart, save time</h5>
Start smart, save time

Get a live walkthrough of creating blueprints for recurring work. They’re great for setting up tasks, folders, and projects in one click.

<h5>More power, less hassle</h5>
More power, less hassle

Learn how to transform the time-consuming process of project setup into a quick, efficient, and error-free initiation phase.

<h5>Latest and greatest</h5>
Latest and greatest

We’ll showcase the latest blueprint enhancements so you can customize them to your heart's content.


<h5>Ty Steciw</h5>
Ty Steciw

Lead Solutions Consultant

Ty Steciw leads Wrike's Presales Consulting team, excelling in technical sales & strategic planning. He is passionate about exploring "what is possible'' with technology & contributing to building project management solutions for Wrike's 18,000+ customers.