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on-demand deminar

Why should you attend?

<h5>Supercharge your data with formulas</h5>
Supercharge your data with formulas

Learn how to use Datahub’s new formula fields to make real-time calculations and streamline database management — no extra tools required.

<h5>Get clarity with workflow metrics</h5>
Get clarity with workflow metrics

Understand how to track the time tasks and projects spent in specific statuses with workflow metrics and see exactly how efficient teams are.

<h5>Full profile view for extended user information in user cards</h5>
Full profile view for extended user information in user cards

Tired of hiding inherited fields in your CITs? Now admins can fully hide location-based custom fields—no more clutter in “More fields,” just what your Custom Item Type defines.


<h5>Olivia Gartz</h5>
Olivia Gartz

Senior Sales Engineer, Wrike

Olivia primarily works with small to midsize customers looking to upgrade their work practices. With a mechanical engineering degree, she loves solving customer pain points and showcasing how teams can work more efficiently using Wrike!