At its inception, email was a great way of sending short notes to your officemates and people around the world. Since then, it has become a primary way to communicate at work, and messages can be anywhere from a short, "OK," to a long-winded essay on all the tasks that need to be done before
There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all blueprint for a successful tech startup team. As most founders are well aware, good hiring is a lot more complicated than simply plugging people into a cookie cutter org chart. But blindly guessing which positions you need isn't exactly a stellar hiring strategy, either. Having a general
Let's play a game. Would you rather: A) Sit through an hour-long status meeting in a frigid conference room with no windows B) Pull out your own tooth with a rusty pair of pliers How many of you had to consider your actual preference for a moment? Ok, all joking aside, meetings may not be quite that bad.
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