We are happy to announce that we’ve just unveiled Wrike’s Development Platform, which opens up an opportunity for you to synchronize all your data between Wrike and other business applications and thus get a step closer to a transparent enterprise.

Wrike’s Development Platform allows you to connect project collaboration in Wrike with other software you use, or even build new applications. The platform is a set of API (application programming interface) methods that enable your engineers to integrate Wrike with desktop, Web or mobile tools that you and your team use extensively.

Some companies already have planned an integration for their business needs. “We’re building an integration that will enable transferring contacts and tasks from BatchBook, a powerful social CRM application, into Wrike. With the data brought together in one spot, the customer relations teams will definitely gain in efficiency while planning follow-ups, tracking leads and closing deals,” says Kurt Milam, VP of Software and Internet Services at Xioup, a fast-growing Web development company.

You can explore the API documentation and register your application right now! If you have limited engineering resources in-house and would be interested in hiring a third-party consultancy to help you integrate Wrike project management software with your other applications and automate your business processes, drop a note to our sales team at https://www.wrike.com/contact-sales/. We’ll connect you with one of our development partners.