The positive experience that our users receive inspires them to spread the word about Wrike. It’s great. We very much appreciate the initiative of our customers who help us let other people know about simple ways to collaborate on projects and get them done. Some of our customers recommend Wrike in project management communities, and others write reviews and publish them in blogs.
Thus inspired by such comments, a review of Wrike was recently published at The author of the blog, Felix Sheng, was a Basecamp user until recently. Ever since Felix signed up for Wrike to give it a try, he admits Wrike has superior project collaboration features and an excellent organizational system. We are proud that Felix, like all our users, highlights Wrike's project management functionality, saying that “there are things he absolutely loves about the service” and that Wrike “is a really strong entrant into the online project management space.” Felix also gave us very detailed and valuable feedback on the features that are in our development plan.
Moreover, Wrike recently caught the attention of one of the bloggers at, which is a home for the ongoing discussions about the user revolution and Enterprise 2.0 opportunities and challenges. The Fastforward blog accompanies the Fastforward conference series and is devoted to the speculations, observations and ideas on how today’s companies can “Innovate, Accelerate and Dominate.” Bill Ives, who is a long-time Fastforward contributor, posted his impressions of Wrike's project management software, online collaboration functionality and role in the development of Enterprise 2.0 culture. Bill titled his review with a very promising name: Online project management for the rest of us. We would like to thank Bill for his thorough description of Wrike's features and his statement that using Wrike makes organizations more flexible. Wrike was designed to give our clients more competitive advantages over companies using traditional project management software. We are glad that our efforts are recognized by such a competent person.