Imagine your marketing department is going to run a customer satisfaction survey. To have quick access to this task, you may want to put it into several categories, like "Surveys", "Favorites" and "Approved." Wonder how you can do it in Wrike?
Create and attribute multiple tags to a task
The function of tags is assigned to folder names in Wrike. So to tag a task, just create a folder with the corresponding title and then drag it from the folder tree onto a task. That’s it: the folder name becomes the task’s tag. The task also gets included in this folder and shared with the team members with whom the folder is shared.
All of the task’s tags are listed under its title. In our example, the tags "Surveys," "Favorites" and "Approved" will appear under the "Customer Satisfaction Survey" task. To see all tasks in the category, just click on the appropriate tag, so tasks get displayed in the task list.
Change and remove tags
Removing a tag from a task also takes a matter of seconds: click on the tag name and then click on X near it or hit “Delete” on your keyboard. In case you need to delete all the tags, click on the X to the right of the tag list and that’s it!
Build neat folder structure by tagging folders
Just as easily, tagging folders will help you structure your data. For example, if you create a "Banner ideas" folder, you may tag it with "Ideas" and "Marketing" by typing the corresponding folder names in the "Included in" field. After tagging, "Banner ideas" becomes a subfolder of both "Ideas" and "Marketing" and gets shared with all team members that have access to these two folders.
Tagging may be efficiently used in many cases. For example, tags come in very handy when you need to apply custom statuses to tasks, so you may want to create tags called "waiting for approval," "approved," "rejected" and "pending." Or you may categorize your tasks by the action required to complete them: "call," "e-mail," "read," "brainstorm," etc. Use tags to mark the stages of your product life-cycle or the development phases of software release versions. As you see, there are no hard-and-fast rules in tagging your tasks, so feel free to create tags for everything you need! And don’t forget about the "Favorites" tag to bring your most important tasks together.