These days, workers turn to mobile devices to get things done and increase work productivity while on the go. In 2014, 36% of smartphone users and 45% of tablet users had purchased at least one app for their mobile device. But are these apps actually making us more productive, or are they just eating our money?
We need your help in exploring how mobile devices help or hurt work productivity, and how today's mobile productivity trends are expected to fluctuate over the next few years. You're invited to share your valuable input in this 5-minute anonymous survey to help us all better understand mobile productivity and usage. After the survey period concludes, we'll be publishing a full report of the results, so you can also see what's happening in the world of mobile productivity — and perhaps adjust your business plans accordingly.

Click here to take the survey now!

What's more, you can enter to win an iPad!

In the spirit of holiday generosity, we're giving out an iPad to one lucky participant who completes the questionnaire. Just make sure to fill out the contact form at the end of the survey to register to win! The survey will be open until: December 23, 2015. Thanks in advance for participating, and we hope you look forward to reading the results!