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Wrike Features

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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Campaign Management
Marketing 10 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Campaign Management

Campaign management requires diligent planning, timely execution, and a ton of knowledge and insight into the audience you're reaching out to. Let's dive into the world of campaign management and learn what it takes to bring your marketing campaigns to the next level.

Unravel Complex Collaboration by Working Your Way With Wrike's Custom Item Types
News 7 min read

Unravel Complex Collaboration by Working Your Way With Wrike's Custom Item Types

Wrike’s Custom Item Types allow teams to speak their own language and configure their processes to suit their needs. Learn how here.

How To Enhance Design Operations for Creative Teams
Productivity 7 min read

How To Enhance Design Operations for Creative Teams

Learn how Wrike’s DesignOps Manager cultivated the perfect creative production flow for our internal design team with request forms, reports, and more.

Don’t Wait: Integrate Wrike Into Your Google Calendar
Wrike Tips 3 min read

Don’t Wait: Integrate Wrike Into Your Google Calendar

So, you do everything out of Wrike. It’s your work hub, your task management system of choice, and a robust tool for reporting to team leads and managers. Why not optimize the tools you have by integrating Wrike into your Google suite of services. You can start with one of the most important tools for organizing your day: Google Calendar.   By integrating Wrike into your Google Calendar, you’ll increase work output by limiting the need to constantly switch between tools you use every day. Here’s why this should matter to you — and how you can do it.  Context switching is a productivity killer Context switching is what happens when you quickly go from one task — or tool — to another. You may not realize how often it’s done or the impact it can have on your productivity.  However, it means you’re taking longer to do routine tasks, let alone any kind of deep work. Some people forget to check Wrike No matter what industry you’re in, there’s at least one person you’re collaborating with regularly who spends a lot more time in Google Calendar and other apps than they do in Wrike.  It’s important to be aware of your organization’s biggest milestones, project task due dates, and incoming tasks. Because most people are checking their Google Calendar at least once a day, you can easily turn your most important work into events in your calendar so that everyone in the company can follow along. Manage events like tasks Do you religiously manage your tasks in Wrike every day? When you integrate Google Calendar into Wrike, you can optimize the ability to stay on top of your projects. You can do all your planning for the day without leaving Wrike by turning your meetings into Wrike tasks. Additional functionality includes asking questions about meetings, requesting changes, and more, all from Wrike. By connecting Wrike into Google Calendar using Project Syncs, you can accomplish more in Wrike, collaborate more efficiently with people across the organization, and never have to switch tools again. Integrating Google Calendar with Wrike using Project Syncs is quick and easy The Project Syncs add-on for Wrike is a no-code workflow management solution that lets you connect with Google Calendar.  It empowers the user to sync Wrike tasks seamlessly with your calendar. If you’re using a Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, or Enterprise Pinnacle plan, you can get access to this add-on! As long as you’re an account owner, enabling Project Syncs is as simple as going to the Subscription panel of your Wrike settings and enabling the Project Syncs trial. From there, you just need to click Create flow to start linking your Wrike projects with Google Calendar and get more out of both tools. Here’s more information on doing that. If you have any questions, or having issues connecting with your calendar, feel free to reach out to us. 

Building Actionable Futures With Wrike’s AI Subtask Creation for Meetings
News 5 min read

Building Actionable Futures With Wrike’s AI Subtask Creation for Meetings

Wrike's AI Subtask Creation automatically sifts through unstructured meeting notes and turns key action items into subtasks. Read on to learn more.

Raising the Bar Again: 3 Wrike Security Enhancements  to Protect Your Work
News 5 min read

Raising the Bar Again: 3 Wrike Security Enhancements to Protect Your Work

With hybrid work environments now the norm, it makes sense to manage and collaborate on all your team’s projects in a centralized hub, like a work management platform. But as teams begin to store more of their work in the cloud, at some point, they begin to ask, “who has access, and is our data secure?” It’s a fair question, and teams deserve to know that their sensitive work is safe and secure from those without permission. Wrike is committed to keeping your data safe. Today, we’re announcing the availability of three enhancements to Wrike security features that reset the standard for work management platforms:  Space Level Delegation Locked Spaces Customizable User Types As a bonus, we’ve passed another series of security and privacy audits, including recertifications of SOC2 and SOC3. We first teased the security updates in our Collaborate 2021 announcement wrap-up article, and these features are aimed at giving more control to the right people while protecting your organization’s confidential data. The big three Wrike security features For context, here’s why security continues to be a driving force in our platform, according to Senior Vice President and Wrike General Manager, Citrix, Andrew Filev: “Enterprise-grade security and manageability have always played a central role in how we innovate and advance the Wrike platform. Overall increase in security risks, in addition to remote and hybrid work environments, has made data privacy a top priority for organizations. We want to ensure customers have a feeling of total security when they use Wrike, no matter where they sit in an organization. That’s why we continue to make Wrike Spaces, which are hubs for teams to house information and focus on purposeful work, and are robust yet still user-friendly. Our commitment to doing both of these things is where we are unrivaled.” Space-Level Delegation Space-Level Delegation enables teams to better democratize and organize their work by putting full rights into the hands of admins at the Space level. Now, Space admins can quickly and easily provide the right control to the right people on a task, project, or Space.  This new capability not only lets teams accelerate work by building out their own workspace based on their needs and timeline, but it also lets Space admins take full ownership by choosing who has access to what, such as reports, dashboards, or calendars, in real time. They can also access and manage Custom Fields, define member lists and permissions, and create and manage Space-level request forms.  Space-Level Delegation is available to Business, Enterprise, and Pinnacle customers. Locked Spaces Next is Locked Spaces, which are restricted, secure Spaces used to collaborate on isolated work and get things done with complete data privacy and control. Wrike is the only collaborative work management platform to offer the capability of Locked Spaces, which allows users to take extra precautions aimed at protecting their business and eliminating risks.  Unlike Public, Private, and Personal Spaces, only members of a Locked Space will be able to locate or access Space-level items or tools in Wrike and interact with other members in that Space. Whether your executive leadership team is collaborating on a sensitive project, finalizing contract details with legal, or you’re an agency working with a client, Locked Spaces ensures only approved stakeholders have access to the work items and information isn’t leaked accidentally.  L​ocked Spaces is available to Pinnacle customers. Customizable User Types One of Wrike’s cornerstone abilities is its customizability — request forms, workflows, dashboards, etc. Now, add user types to the list. With Customizable User Types, actions like disabling status changes from collaborators or allowing external users to share tasks and folders are as simple as one click. Customizable User Types extends current Access Roles and Controlled Admin Permissions security settings and builds on Wrike’s robust user and admin controls with a new way of managing granular permissions. It provides Account owners and admins with the correct permission to set up what users can do in Wrike based on their license and role type.  Customizable User Types are available to Enterprise and Pinnacle customers. This collection of security updates is best summed up by Filev: “Over the past few years, concerns around data security and confidentiality have grown exponentially as companies look for new ways to allow employees to work flexibly and collaboratively without compromising information integrity. We quell those fears with a work management platform that is not only the most powerful but the most secure, as well. With this latest round of security enhancements, we give teams and organizations the peace of mind they’re looking for.” Very few work management platforms offer as much configurability and security control as Wrike. We’re confident that these enhancements will safeguard customers’ sensitive work and reset the bar for data security. New compliance certifications To round out our security announcements, Wrike also passed another cycle of Security and Privacy audits and recertifications. These include five international security standards with the British Standards Institution and the extension of its SOC2 compliance and SOC3 reports, following an audit by Schellman & Company. For more information, visit our press release here. Trust your sensitive work data to Wrike Not all work requires the same permission levels. When your team requires more than the average, don’t settle for the status quo. Uplevel and upgrade your team’s work with Wrike security features. Start a free trial today and experience unparalleled data security from the most intuitive and robust collaborative work management solution.

How the San Francisco 49ers use Wrike
Wrike Tips 5 min read

How the San Francisco 49ers use Wrike

All great teams require an aligned game plan and flawless execution. Unfortunately, the complexity of today’s work environment makes both a challenge. But with the help of its innovation partner Citrix, the San Francisco 49ers are removing the complexity and noise from work, and empowering their team off the field to be as successful as their team on the field. When the 49ers first partnered with Citrix more than six years ago, the team was looking to streamline its operations and fuel collaboration. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, they enabled remote work for their employees quickly to support a dispersed workforce and keep its operations running, using digital workspace solutions to stay connected and collaborate. The addition of Wrike to the Citrix portfolio was great news for the 49ers — the team was already a customer. For the past three years, the 49ers have used Wrike’s project management solution to support production of video and media assets. They turned to Wrike because they were looking for a more efficient and effective way to serve internal partners who needed these assets. “We are a fully functioning creative agency housed within the 49ers marketing department,” says Nate Steele, Manager of Production and Media Assets. Steele’s team produces everything from sponsorship videos to images for the team’s social media channels. With games almost every weekend, from September to January, plus preseason and postseason, and requests for assets to support sponsors, community engagement, and more, having a tool that could enable effective communication and the quick turnarounds required was critical to managing the flow of work. And Wrike delivers. Improved communication and visibility Before Wrike, requests and follow-ups were getting buried in inboxes, leading to miscommunication and wasted time and effort. Now, requesters complete a customized form when they need help with production of video or other media assets. The information comes to Steele’s team, and the work can move forward without multiple follow-ups, speeding the process. “We were looking for a more useful way to get information amongst 49ers internal teams.  This platform allows dialogue between our team and the project requestor.  It provides a robust tool for tracking effort on project request and allows collaboration on edit requests and approvals” Steele says. For example, he can provide feedback to his video producers directly in the asset, which helps to streamline the review cycle. He can also track the time spent on projects, getting valuable insights into the amount of resources used to complete a request. Blueprints Wrike’s Blueprints feature has been one of the biggest advantages for Steele’s team. Blueprints enable users to manage projects, folders, task templates, and more, and the feature is especially useful for recurring work. They were able to cut the majority of phone calls and emails around projects, while still supporting mutual decision making, from which changes need to be made to whether a project should even go forward. Blueprints helps the team to get the information they need on the front end and eliminate barriers so they can do the work. “What we were doing here was buying back time for our team of content creators,” Steele says. Ready for remote Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the team worked together in a single location, and providing feedback on projects could be as simple as a face-to-face conversation. Having Wrike in place, Steele says, was a win for his team because they were already set up to support remote collaboration. They didn’t have to scramble at the onset of the pandemic to figure out how to engage remotely (and effectively) with content requestors and keep their content creators on track as they approached the 2020 season. Learn more Learn how Citrix helped to keep the 49ers connected and collaborative as they prepared for the 2020 season. Check out the video below to learn more about Citrix and Wrike and get your free trial of Wrike today.

Project Forecasting Made Easier: Introducing Wrike Resource Bookings
News 7 min read

Project Forecasting Made Easier: Introducing Wrike Resource Bookings

Introducing Wrike Resource Bookings: an easy and efficient way to optimize your project forecasting and boost insights into project resource requirements.

Folder Permissions: Greater Control Over Data Editing Rights
News 7 min read

Folder Permissions: Greater Control Over Data Editing Rights

For many of you, Wrike has become the central hub for collaborating with team members, contractors, freelancers, clients, and partners. But as companies grow and projects begin to involve more and more people, many of you began asking us for the ability to provide more granular control over data management in Wrike, allowing you to keep company structure under control, while still giving departments a space to work without bureaucratic restrictions. In this case, the brand new Wrike Enterprise feature, folder permissions, comes in very handy because it allows you to choose what different users or user groups can do within the shared folders.For many of you, Wrike has become the central hub for collaborating with team members, contractors, freelancers, clients, and partners. But as companies grow and projects begin to involve more and more people, many of you began asking us for the ability to provide more granular control over data management in Wrike, allowing you to keep company structure under control, while still giving departments a space to work without bureaucratic restrictions. In this case, the brand new Wrike Enterprise feature, folder permissions, comes in very handy because it allows you to choose what different users or user groups can do within the shared folders. Two Access Levels: Full and Limited Imagine you've just launched a big project. You've carefully thought out its main phases, defined possible task statuses, set up milestones, and reflected all this neatly organized project structure in Wrike. Now you face a challenge. You need to keep this structure unchanged while sharing project data with people you need to collaborate with: employees, clients, and third-party vendors. On the one hand, you need to limit their access to data by restricting their rights to move and delete folders, but on the other hand, you need to give departments the full freedom to manage tasks within their areas of responsibility. This challenge can be easily handled with Wrike's folder permissions. You can easily customize user rights for each folder. Let’s take a closer look at this much-awaited feature. Wrike Enterprise now gives an individual user one of two levels of access to a folder: full or limited.  A user with FULL access has exclusive rights to share the folder with others and change the access levels of other users. Your current experience when sharing folders is quite similar to full access, but without the ability to set other users' access levels. LIMITED access restricts users' editing and sharing rights for a certain folder (including all its subfolders and tasks), so that they become limited to Collaborator’s rights. It means that users can still view tasks, add comments, attach files, and mark the task completed in a certain folder, while they won’t be able to edit or manage the tasks and subfolders in it. So why add the “Limited access” option for users if we already have the “Collaborator” license in Wrike? Because these two license options have several significant differences:  Collaborator User with “Limited access” rights Right to create and edit tasks and folders Can’t create or edit any tasks or folders in Wrike Adjustable on the folder level (The admin may allow the user to edit some folders, while providing limited access to others) Premium feature access (e.g., the Gantt chart, dashboard, advanced filters, etc.) No Yes Price and amount Free and unlimited According to the subscription plan This way, in terms of price and functionality, a Collaborator license may be a great option for working with freelancers. At the same time, a User license with the limited access is a better alternative for collaborating with clients because it allows the client to create and maintain a backlog of tasks, and even track the project progress on the Gantt chart, building customized reports with the help of advanced filters.  Extra tip: Consider providing your newcomers with limited access to main folders. It helps you avoid issues with erroneous renaming of tasks/folders and accidental reorganization of folder structures. The same principle is valid for a cross-functional team. If one department just needs to reference the work of the other department (e.g. your marketing and analytical departments), then consider providing them with limited access to other departments' folders. Making it Work for You Here are some insights that should make access rights distribution more efficient: Use case Action required Examples Private folders that shouldn’t be viewed by anyone Don’t share folder with anyone * Personal to-do lists * Top secret business data Folders with tasks that need review, discussion, and tracking without editing task content and folder structure Set limited access to users * Cross-functional projects * Collaboration with third-party vendors  * Newcomers Work in progress tasks and folders that should be managed and edited Provide users with full access to folders * Team members  * Outsourced workforce (consider external user licenses) Setting the Access Level Who exactly is responsible for giving users access rights? All the users with full access rights who share a certain folder can adjust the access rights of other users for this folder and all its subfolders.  What about setting an access level for user groups?  In Wrike Enterprise, access can be set at both the individual user level and the user group level. Just remember that rights are always upgraded, never downgraded. So if a group has full access rights to a folder, then you can’t downgrade a single group member to limited access to that same folder. On the other hand, if the entire group has limited access, a user with full access can upgrade the level of a particular user.   Important Facts to Remember   A users’ access rights are inherited by all subfolders of a particular folder. If a user has a full access rights in a particular folder, all subfolders inherit the same access rights. The same logic works for limited access levels. Remember that you can change users’ access levels to a subfolder from limited to full, but never vice versa. If the access rights of different user groups in a particular folder vary, a user who is a part of these user groups will always inherit the higher access level. For instance, if a folder is shared with two user groups with different access levels, and you are part of both groups, you will always have full access rights. The case with different folders is very similar. If the folder is included in two others that are both shared with you (but you have different access rights for each), you will always inherit full access to this folder.   Hopefully this gives you an idea how Wrike Enterprise can give you more control over data editing rights. Remember that a granular approach to the data-sharing in your company makes collaboration much smoother. To best understand folder permissions, you should take it for a test drive right now.  Drop us a note at!

Export Your Filtered Task Lists to Excel
News 3 min read

Export Your Filtered Task Lists to Excel

We love getting ideas from our users on how we can improve Wrike project management software. This helps us adjust our development roadmap to your needs and deliver the most popular requested project management features first. Recently, our customers who manage big projects have asked about the ability to apply various filters when exporting their tasks from Wrike to Excel. We’ve made that happen, and starting today, you can export task lists, narrowed down by specific criteria, from anywhere within your workspace. For instance, if you have some typical tasks that sometimes repeat, you might want to create a template for them. You can find these tasks by using the appropriate search criteria (1). Then, after you click on the Export button and choose Excel (2), Wrike will ask you whether you want to export all tasks or only the filtered list. Choose the second option (3), and that’s it – you get an .xls spreadsheet with the tasks you need to use as a template in the future. Obviously, this is just one example of the feature’s implementation, and we hope it will be helpful for you and your team, too!  

The Dangers of Overworking: How To Avoid Employee Overload
Collaboration 7 min read

The Dangers of Overworking: How To Avoid Employee Overload

Employee workload can have mental and physical implications. Learn about the dangers of overworking yourself and what to do when you are overworked.

Compare Microsoft Project with Wrike
News 3 min read

Compare Microsoft Project with Wrike

.post table td{ padding: 0 5px 5px 5px; } .centercol{ font-size:10px; }(Last edited on May 29, 2009) When you choose the best project management software for your needs, you most likely want the tool to: save you time, release you from routine operations, be easy to use, support collaboration, and keep operations transparent to you. What kind of software will meet your expectations? Web-based collaboration software is the most practical answer. With the help of collaboration software like Wrike, you can easily stay on the same page with your team and run your project successfully. Your employees can instantly contribute to the project plans. You get better control over all operations. Let’s examine why traditional project management tools like Microsoft Project are outdated and how Wrike can help you run your projects more successfully. Wrike MS Project* Price From $9.95/mo for unlimited users and projects $999 per license Upgrades Free Automatic $599 per upgrade Manual System requirements Cross-platform. You only need a Web browser and Internet connection. Microsoft Project Web Access is supported with Internet Explorer 6.x and Internet Explorer 7.x only. Installation No installation required You need the software to be installed on the computer. Training No training required Requires extensive trainings for end-users and administrators. For example, Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware consists of 4 modules and 53 lessons. Project Management Features Full-featured. Task management, Time tracking, Gantt charts. Advanced features that bring excessive software complexity. Many of these features you will never use. Visibility You get a clear picture of all operations. You have a limited visibility on every project because your plans are represented in a flat way. Intersection of project parts cannot be reflected in your plans.  Only a straightforward process, which rarely happen in real business, can be managed. Project updates Your employees report their progress online. You save time on routine operations. You have to update the plan manually. First you need to collect reports from dozens of your employees. Then you analyze them and manually enter data in your project plan. This process is very time-consuming, and mistakes often can occur. Sharing of information and tasks  Free On average, the ability to share your plans will cost you between $4,998 and $85,892. The explanations of these calculations are described below. Sharing of information available only with MS Project Server and Microsoft Web-Access. MS Project Server available only through volume licensing; price not quoted.   However, the price may reach up to $52, 894. Additionally MS Project Server Requires:Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for hosting and function of Windows Server System. Purchasing of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 will cost you up to $7,999, depending on the edition. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Requires Microsoft SQL Server for enterprise project management functionality. You will have to spend between $3,899 and $24,999 on SQL Server. IT personnel who can help you choose the most suitable edition of MS Project Server, Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server. IT personnel who will be able to install all components correctly and maintain their operational status. A single computer (stand-alone installation) or many computers. The requirements for your installation will depend on the availability and scale requirements for your solution. E-mail collaboration Yes. You can create tasks from your favorite e-mail client and even work from your BlackBerry. Not applicable. Does the tool remind people about overdue tasks via e-mail? Yes No. Available only with MS Project Server and Microsoft Web-Access. It will cost you at least $4,998 (see “Sharing of information and tasks”). Does the tool notify you about changes in plans? No. Try Wrike Now?  Yes * Legal disclaimer. All Trademarks or registered. Trademarks found on the Site or mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.

A New, Easy Way to Invite Teammates to Task Discussions
News 3 min read

A New, Easy Way to Invite Teammates to Task Discussions

Today, we introduce you a new handy collaboration feature that lets you easily draw somebody's attention to your comments in Wrike project management software. Simply add @TeammateName in a comment to a task to invite a colleague to the task discussion! If the task wasn't shared with the teammate you mention after @, it automatically gets shared right after you submit the comment. This way, he or she is able to better understand the context of the comment and actively participate in the discussions in the future. If your colleague replies to the comment via e-mail or in the workspace, Wrike considers this as an interest in the topic, and the person automatically starts following the task and keeping track of the task progress. Now you can be sure the person will be aware of all updates and discussions of this task! Wrike auto-suggests a drop-down based on what you've typed after the @ symbol, so the feature is very easy and intuitive, and it quickly draws the attention of the right teammate directly to your comment. You are very welcome to try this new social communication feature right now and share your experience with us in the comments!

Holidays, Vacations, and PTO? No More Scheduling Headaches
Project Management 3 min read

Holidays, Vacations, and PTO? No More Scheduling Headaches

Managing large teams means more challenges, especially with employees spread out across departments, cities, or even continents. There are a lot of things to keep in mind in order to avoid schedule conflicts. To help you track all the different variables (from national holidays to vacations and sick leaves) and even let you choose the day when your teams’ working week starts, we've introduced a new feature within Wrike’s Enterprise plan – custom calendars. Managing large teams means more challenges, especially with employees spread out across departments, cities, or even continents. There are a lot of things to keep in mind in order to avoid schedule conflicts. To help you track all the different variables (from national holidays to vacations and sick leaves) and even let you choose the day when your teams’ working week starts, we've introduced a new feature within Wrike’s Enterprise plan – custom calendars.     Admins: Adjust Schedules on the Account Level   The new feature allows admins to customize working calendars on the account level. For example, easily mark Thanksgiving, Christmas or all-day corporate events on the account's global calendar so important milestones aren't scheduled on these dates.  Admins: Adjust Schedules of Individuals   Because we want you to set more accurate deadlines and distribute the workload more efficiently, admins can now log four types of calendar exceptions on employees’ individual calendars. They are: extra work days, paid and non-paid vacations, and sick leaves. Each one is set to a different color for easy scanning. For large teams, the search box allows you to find someone’s calendar quickly.   These changes are instantly reflected in the workspace. For example, you won’t be able to schedule a new task for dates when the assignee is on vacation. No matter what view you're in, if you try giving them a deadline on their vacation days, you will end up with a conflict that will need to be rescheduled. Users: Adjust Your Own Schedule   Users can add vacation days, sick leaves and extra work days to their personal calendars to make sure that tasks are assigned properly. These adjustments will reflect in the global calendar of the account, too.  Moreover, users can edit their regular workweek and identify non-working days, something that may benefit part-time workers.      Wrike Enterprise’s custom calendars create an efficient way to track team schedules, distribute the workload and plan milestones. Moreover, the calendars provide a helpful tool for accounting departments that need to generate payroll.      In addition to flexible calendars, Wrike Enterprise delivers many other helpful features. Drop us a note at to see it in action. And don't forget to mark the coming holidays on your team’s schedule!

Coordinate Multiple Teams Efficiently with User Groups
News 5 min read

Coordinate Multiple Teams Efficiently with User Groups

The bigger the team, the more difficult it is to coordinate. Inspired by suggestions from customers with large deployments, we've introduce user groups as one of the killer highlights in the new Wrike Enterprise plan.  This feature lets admins organize users by project, department or location, allowing you to share data with multiple users effortlessly. Buckle up and we'll give you the quick tour! Where to Manage User Groups If you’re an administrator in Wrike, you'll find the “Groups” tab on your workspace. This is where you will manage users in the account, get detailed overviews of groups and users, invite new users, and add users to groups Default User Groups: Overview of User Types By default, every user in your account is categorized into one of these 5 groups based on the user license: Regular users can access all Wrike features and see other users’ info, such as their time spent on tasks and their scheduled tasks on the timeline, among many other things. External users have the same abilities as regular users, except they can only see the info of users who have shared folders with them. Collaborators can view and complete tasks, add comments and attach files. Just like external users, they can only view the people with whom they share folders and tasks. The Invitation Pending group includes invited users who haven’t signed up yet. Consider resending or canceling the invitation. Ungrouped users are not included in any custom group (see the next section). Custom User Groups: Visualize Your Organization’s Structure While default groups are predefined and identical for every account, custom user groups and subgroups represent the actual employee clusters in your organization. Dividing users into groups is also extremely useful for selective data-sharing, as it helps managers quickly adjust user access to folders and tasks. Note that you can include one user in several groups at once. One of your developers, Emma, may decide to take part in the next volunteer event and thus should be included in the “Developer” and “Volunteers” groups. Best Practices for User Groups 1. “User Group” Thinking  You can save a lot of time and effort if you think in terms of groups, rather than users. Next time you create a project folder, share it with a group, rather than individual users. This way, all your designers can follow the updates to a new brochure. Keep in mind that if you share a folder with a group: The folder becomes shared with all subgroups under the main user group. You won’t be able to unshare the folder from a subgroup or from a person in this group. It’s impossible to unshare a subfolder or any task in this folder from this group. This way, you’re sure that important data cannot be overlooked or mistakenly unshared by any of the group members. 2. One-Click Onboarding Process  In fast-growing companies, new employees join up on a regular basis. This is a challenge for project managers who need to provide newcomers with access to the data they need to hit the ground running. User groups make it easy. As you add each of the new employees to a group (say, new copywriters added to the “Marketing” group), they instantly get access to all the folders shared within that group. Pro tip: Create a special “Welcome” folder with materials for newcomers (guides, official instructions, onboarding documentation, lists of crucial tasks) and share it with the “Newcomers” group. This way, new employees can see it the minute they are added to the “Newcomers” group. 3. Organizational Chart Using groups as a hierarchy is a great way to illustrate your team's structure. Whether you choose to group users by project or location, one look at the group tab is enough to glean insight about the different teams in the account. Overview done! Now go manage your user groups like a boss.

Take Our Survey on Mobile Productivity & Enter to Win!
Productivity 3 min read

Take Our Survey on Mobile Productivity & Enter to Win!

These days, workers turn to mobile devices to get things done and increase work productivity while on the go. In 2014, 36% of smartphone users and 45% of tablet users had purchased at least one app for their mobile device. But are these apps actually making us more productive, or are they just eating our money? We need your help in exploring how mobile devices help or hurt work productivity, and how today's mobile productivity trends are expected to fluctuate over the next few years. You're invited to share your valuable input in this 5-minute anonymous survey to help us all better understand mobile productivity and usage. After the survey period concludes, we'll be publishing a full report of the results, so you can also see what's happening in the world of mobile productivity — and perhaps adjust your business plans accordingly. Click here to take the survey now! What's more, you can enter to win an iPad! In the spirit of holiday generosity, we're giving out an iPad to one lucky participant who completes the questionnaire. Just make sure to fill out the contact form at the end of the survey to register to win! The survey will be open until: December 23, 2015. Thanks in advance for participating, and we hope you look forward to reading the results!

Integrating with Wrike Is Easy: API v.3 & Brand-New Developer Site
News 3 min read

Integrating with Wrike Is Easy: API v.3 & Brand-New Developer Site

In our latest Dynamic Platform Release, we've made it easier for developers to integrate with Wrike by releasing our new API v.3 and a new Developer site. Now building your own custom integration with Wrike takes less time and effort. Some of the most important improvements in Wrike's API 3.0 include: Organized using REST principles making it more robust and easier to use. Added the most popular request methods including: Custom Fields, Subtasks, and more account management functions Migrated to OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorization to align our API with industry standards. Our API is designed to be used for Enterprise grade applications. In fact, we've built our own mobile apps and Zapier integration using our API v.3, so it's possible to build very robust applications with API v.3.  Today, we also launched our new Developer site,, which provides quick access to API Documentation and developers can now request API keys directly from the developer site without having to contact support. Visit Developer portal to start working with the new API and share your experience in comments.

Wrike’s Work Intelligence™ Gets 3x Smarter With New Capabilities
News 7 min read

Wrike’s Work Intelligence™ Gets 3x Smarter With New Capabilities

Wrike’s Work IntelligenceTM now includes AI-powered project risk prediction and even more smart recommendations. Learn more about the new features here.

Wrike's API Out: Connect Wrike with Other Business Software Tools You Use!
News 3 min read

Wrike's API Out: Connect Wrike with Other Business Software Tools You Use!

We are happy to announce that we’ve just unveiled Wrike’s Development Platform, which opens up an opportunity for you to synchronize all your data between Wrike and other business applications and thus get a step closer to a transparent enterprise. Wrike’s Development Platform allows you to connect project collaboration in Wrike with other software you use, or even build new applications. The platform is a set of API (application programming interface) methods that enable your engineers to integrate Wrike with desktop, Web or mobile tools that you and your team use extensively. “ Some companies already have planned an integration for their business needs. “We’re building an integration that will enable transferring contacts and tasks from BatchBook, a powerful social CRM application, into Wrike. With the data brought together in one spot, the customer relations teams will definitely gain in efficiency while planning follow-ups, tracking leads and closing deals,” says Kurt Milam, VP of Software and Internet Services at Xioup, a fast-growing Web development company. You can explore the API documentation and register your application right now! If you have limited engineering resources in-house and would be interested in hiring a third-party consultancy to help you integrate Wrike project management software with your other applications and automate your business processes, drop a note to our sales team at We’ll connect you with one of our development partners.  

Announcing Wrike’s Dynamic Platform Release
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Announcing Wrike’s Dynamic Platform Release

We know that your business is unique and you need tools that adapt to the way you work. Today, we're excited to announce our Dynamic Platform Release, which completely changes the way you can use Wrike. Watch this short video of our CEO Andrew Filev sharing his thoughts on this release. The Dynamic Platform Release consists of many new powerful features that make Wrike more configurable and connected with all the other tools you use. Personalize Projects with Custom Fields The new Custom Fields let you configure each project to track exactly what you need. Need to track budgets? Priority? Custom statuses? No problem. Whether you're in Product Development, Marketing, Finance, or any other team, you can now configure your projects with exactly what matters to you. This feature is available to Wrike Enterprise customers.   Meet the new Table View For all users, we've upgraded the Table View to work more like a spreadsheet, making it easier to use for project planning. More powerful integrations During the last several months we've worked hard to deliver more integrations with your favorite tools including: Salesforce integration. Our new Salesforce integration make collaboration between Salesforce users and cross-functional teams faster, easier, and more accountable. This integration is available to our Enterprise customers. Integrations with Evernote, Wufoo, Zendesk, and more tools. Now you can sync Wrike with dozens of common apps with the help of our integration with Zapier. Learn more about Wrike's Zapier integration or see the full list of apps provided by Zapier. New App Portal Did you know that Wrike integrates with dozens of apps like Outlook, Gmail, Box, Dropbox, Evernote, Quickbooks, and Slack?  Visit our new App Portal to see how to get more out of Wrike by connecting it with the other tools you use.   Developers rejoice. Integrating with Wrike just got easier We've made it easier for developers to integrate with Wrike by releasing our new API v.3 and a new Developer site. The functionality of the new API now includes all popular features such as Subtasks, Custom statuses, and account management functions. Visit our new Developer Portal to get API keys and start developing on Wrike. Wrike's Dynamic Platform release lets you customize Wrike in unique ways so that you can successfully run your business both now and as it grows.

Personalize Wrike with New Custom Fields
News 3 min read

Personalize Wrike with New Custom Fields

Custom Fields now lets you configure your projects to track exactly what matters to you.

? Wrike Now Has Emojis!
News 3 min read

? Wrike Now Has Emojis!

Starting today, you can add emojis to Wrike comments, adding a fun factor to your feedback as well as reducing any communication stress in your day-to-day work.

Stress-Free Reporting with Scheduled Report Reminders
News 3 min read

Stress-Free Reporting with Scheduled Report Reminders

Have a bunch of Wrike reports and need reminders to update them? Today, Wrike released Scheduled Report Reminders so that tasks are updated regularly and managers can be reminded to review project status at least once a week.

Explore Table View (Beta) for Fast Task Editing
News 3 min read

Explore Table View (Beta) for Fast Task Editing

Do you sometimes have to review massive task lists? Or edit many tasks at once in Wrike project management software? If so, you’ll be pleased with the beta release of the new table view for tasks.   The table view is a task management tool that saves you time on adding, reviewing and editing many tasks at once. Compared with the perfectly visualized list view that helps you focus on a specific task, the table view is a compact version adjusted to working with a long list of tasks.   The table view simplifies the way project information is displayed. Thus, it easily accommodates more tasks on one screen. The table view aggregates subfolders and tasks in a single hierarchy and lets you quickly switch between items with the help of your keyboard. You can move between tasks and details by hitting the arrow keys, and edit the most important task information by hitting “enter.” By the most important task information, we mean the task’s title, start date, end date, status and responsible parties.  The table view becomes extremely handy if you need to edit a lot of tasks. For example, when you need to mark several tasks completed, or quickly create project that includes many tasks, or reschedule numerous tasks, the table view is what you need!    We value the needs of our customers most of all and always listen to what you have to suggest. Since the table view is still in beta, it would be great to hear your ideas on how we can make this feature even better.   P.S. As of today, the table view doesn’t display backlogged tasks. That’s a known issue, and our designers are working on creating layout that would work well with all tasks (both backlogged and planned) and work side-by-side with the timeline at the same time.