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Team Collaboration

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The Rules of the Project: Two Strategies for Aligning Means
Project Management 3 min read

The Rules of the Project: Two Strategies for Aligning Means

Aligning the means between individuals, project and organization is a Herculean task for any Project Leader. The means are the rules of the project. The way things are done. Following are two strategies that can be used to align means. To provide you with some ideas on the project baseline. To start the discussion. Patterning –

Breaking Down the Wall Between Marketing and Sales in 7 Easy Steps
Collaboration 10 min read

Breaking Down the Wall Between Marketing and Sales in 7 Easy Steps

Within any organization, the sales and marketing departments need to work closely together. Here are some tips to reduce friction points and collaborate more effectively.

How an NFL Team Practices Efficiency & Collaboration Both on & off the Field
Collaboration 7 min read

How an NFL Team Practices Efficiency & Collaboration Both on & off the Field

In the NFL, execution is everything. We recently caught up with a major team to hear how they are optimizing collaboration both on and off the field.

Where Collaboration is Heading in 2015: Top 4 Trends to Watch
Collaboration 5 min read

Where Collaboration is Heading in 2015: Top 4 Trends to Watch

With 2015 just around the corner, it's time to take a look at the growing collaboration trends that will affect the way you work with your team this coming year. While some are merely logical extensions of ongoing trends, a few may surprise you. 1. More Collaboration via Mobile/BYOD With mobile devices out-shipping desktop units four-to-one, one