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Who Works More? The Secrets of Male and Female Working Habits [Infographic]
Productivity 3 min read

Who Works More? The Secrets of Male and Female Working Habits [Infographic]

It's late at night. The office building has long gone dark and quiet, yet the lights are on in one of the windows. Two figures are arguing over something in front of a computer screen. No, it’s not a secret lab. These guys just need to finish that very important and urgent “thing” for tomorrow. According to our recent survey with almost 2,000 respondents, 88% of men and 85% of women regularly overwork. But who feels more stressed about this matter? What are the other remarkable differences between men’s and women’s work styles? Overworking isn’t overwhelming The “anti-stress champion” title goes to men. While 45% of them overwork more than 5 hours a week, that doesn’t seem to damage their work-life balance. The figures in this chart speak for themselves: The headache grows with power Juggling work and personal life is never an easy task.  According to our survey, the more responsibility you have, the harder it gets. Only 14% of female business owners say they are satisfied with their work-life balance. Want it done well, do it yourself. Huh? Delegation is known as one of those mission-critical, yet rather challenging, management skills. We discovered that 18.4% of women and only 12.8% of men still prefer to do everything by themselves — even when they have the authority to delegate. Diamonds are a… man’s best friend? We all wouldn’t mind some motivation to get things done. If you haven’t seen our previous infographic yet, we’ll remind you that a sense of responsibility, a good mood, and a possible reward were cited as the leading productivity triggers. Interestingly enough, it appears that a prospective reward inspires 45.8% of men and only 35.6% of women. The biggest productivity killer is interrup-- After a good lunch, the tricky task that bothered you all morning seems to crack at last. And that’s when your colleague calls an impromptu brainstorm for his puppy-clothes campaign. BAM! The concentration is gone, and so is the flow. We all know the feeling. That’s why men and women for once agree when they name the biggest productivity threat. The Razzie goes to… interruptions. That’s an impressive win over procrastination, a strong opponent. For a more extensive overview of men’s and women’s work styles, check out our brand new infographic. Overwork doesn’t seem so dreadful with these bright colors. ;-)

Anatomy of the Perfect Blog Post (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

Anatomy of the Perfect Blog Post (Infographic)

Blogging may seem like one of the easier ways to market your product or your service, but if you’ve ever found yourself staring down a blank page, you know it’s not as simple as it looks. There are many factors that go into a successful post, from length, imagery, subheads, social sharing messages, and much more.  Whether you need help getting started with this special type of content marketing, or just want an easy way to keep track of blogging best practices, iSpionage has the perfect cheat sheet. The infographic below includes all the details you need to write an article that’s sure to attract and engage your audience, from a gripping headline and hook to the perfect call-to-action — and everything in between.  Infographic by iSpionage Further Reading: 4 Ways to Arm Your Team for Content Marketing Success How to Use Wrike for Content Planning 10 Elements of a Successful Content Marketing “Engine” (Infographic)  

Is Your Mobile Making You More Productive? (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

Is Your Mobile Making You More Productive? (Infographic)

Our mobile devices are the champions of helping us get things done on the go. Using smart phones and tablets allows us to answer email, check calendar appointments, and update our to-do lists when we don't have a computer handy. But is all our app downloading and notification checking improving our productivity, or are our mobile devices just forcing us to keep working after office hours?  We surveyed over 850 workers to discover the truth about mobile productivity and whether or not mobile devices are actually the answer to getting work done faster. Check out our key findings in the infographic below: Do you think your mobile makes you more productive?  Share your thoughts on mobile productivity in the comments below. Interested in seeing the complete results from our survey? Download the free 2016 Mobile Productivity Report.

11 Internet of Things Startups to Watch  (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

11 "Internet of Things" Startups to Watch (Infographic)

It's poised to become the largest device market in the world. One research group estimates that by 2019, it will be more than double the size of the smartphone, PC, tablet, connected car, and wearable markets combined.  Samsung even pledged a funding pool of more than $100 million for startups that want to help build the South Korean manufacturer's vision of an entirely open ecosystem for these Net-enabled devices, so that they all speak the same language.  We're talking about the Internet of Things (IoT) — a term referring to consumer devices, appliances, and services that connect to networks to send and receive data. When you use your mobile device to access a remote wifi security camera you've installed in your home, you're using IoT. Brands like Nest thermostats and Dropcam wifi cameras (both now acquired by Google), or Jawbone and the entire wearable devices industry are IoT. And there are several hundred more companies in the space.  We took a look at eight of the hottest, most interesting, most buzzed-about IoT startups, plus 3 established brands to compile this infographic of companies we think will make it big in 2015.  Like our infographic? Share it easily using our embed code: Infographic brought to you byWrike Do you agree with our predictions? Or are there other IoT startups you feel are more poised for success this year?  Hit the comments and speak your mind. 

Top 5 Project Management Myths BUSTED (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

Top 5 Project Management Myths BUSTED (Infographic)

What do local advertising firms have in common with booming global enterprises? They all have to run projects. And where there are projects, there are people who need to manage them. Although it is integrated into most professional work environments, project management is still surrounded by a lot of misconceptions and myths. They say it's "just paperwork," or that "frequent meetings are necessary for project updates," and so on. However, research provides a different picture. Drawing from the results of multiple studies, our Wrike project management software team put together a new infographic that debunks the top five project management myths and shares a couple of useful productivity hacks along the way. Consider these myths busted! Know any other project management myths you want to see busted? Let us know about it in the comments!

The Greatest Productivity Tip: Get More Sleep (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

The Greatest Productivity Tip: Get More Sleep (Infographic)

The infographic below lists some important reminders and crucial stats about how sleep can positively affect the way we work on a daily basis. Read the tips and put them into practice to start catching some quality Zzzs!

10 Skills Required for Great Digital Marketers (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

10 Skills Required for Great Digital Marketers (Infographic)

"Great men are not born great, they grow great." —Mario Puzo, The Godfather Being a great digital marketer is partially intuition and the ability to speak the language of your audience; but a larger part is continually studying and learning new skills to make sure your marketing team is evolving at an equal pace with the ever-changing digital world. Below are 10 skills you need today to go above and beyond in digital marketing. Take a look, and see what you can improve. Follow a project management methodology Understand SEO best practices Communicate with technical staff and upper management Be able to create or provide direction on creating a digital marketing strategy Understand email marketing best practices Manage your marketing staff and the costs incurred to provide the best outcomes Evaluate your social media options Be able to continually provide business justification of your projects Understand Google Analytics to interpret and communicate data, metrics and marketing analytics Know and drive the entire team toward your project goals Source: Premium IT Solutions   What else does it take to be great at digital marketing? If you've worked with great marketers, or you've honed your own skills year after year, share your wisdom in the comments. What does a great digital marketer need these days?

18 Top Networking Sites for Startup Founders (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

18 Top Networking Sites for Startup Founders (Infographic)

If you're founding a startup, networking isn’t optional. It’s your lifeline. Entrepreneurs need support from all sorts of people — partners, investors, customers and employees — but most importantly, they need to tap into great communities to make those connections in the first place.  We found 18 thriving networking sites especially for entrepreneurs to help you find advice, capital, co-founders, or just have some fun! Find the best sites for you in our latest infographic:    Share this infographic on your site with this embed code:  Wrike Project Management Software Read Next: • The Ultimate List of Legal Resources for Startups • 7 Ways to Fund Your Startup (Infographic) • Top 10 Reasons Startups Fail (Infographic)

Why Your Marketing and Creative Teams Can't Get Along (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

Why Your Marketing and Creative Teams Can't Get Along (Infographic)

Marketers: Do you bang your head against the wall after receiving yet another "final” design that completely disregards the creative brief and your feedback on previous iterations? Designers: Have you ever strained a muscle rolling your eyes at marketers who leave vague feedback or stretch the original scope of the project? Marketing and creative teams must work closely together simply due to the nature of their work. But working side-by-side, day-by-day doesn't automatically mean those teams have a strong collaborative relationship. Like any relationship, it takes commitment to nurture and maintain. Take heart, however, if you're on either of these teams and struggling to work well with the other. A few simple tweaks to your communication style can make all the difference. As this infographic reveals, most of the major sticking points between marketers and creatives boil down to poor communication: Fewer than 40% of marketers say design teams follow the creative brief or ask questions to clarify expectations. 70% of marketers say their creative team doesn’t follow a transparent process, so marketers are left in the dark until the final product is delivered. Fewer than 30% of creatives agree that marketers give useful and timely feedback. However, 46% of marketers say they do. Fewer than 23% of creatives think marketers brief new projects clearly. Source: Visually Moving forward as a team With a more mindful approach to communication and a little honest self-reflection, marketing and creative teams can start working together to achieve better results — in less time and with fewer headaches. The right collaboration tool can also go a long way in improving communication and transparency, and achieving productive integrated marketing communications. For help finding the right software solution for your team, check out Wrike for Marketers.

5 Mind-blowing Facts About Email [Infographic]
Collaboration 3 min read

5 Mind-blowing Facts About Email [Infographic]

8 Mental Weapons to Vanquish Procrastination (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

8 Mental Weapons to Vanquish Procrastination (Infographic)

Ah, procrastination. We know we’ll regret giving in to its siren call, and yet it’s so seductive that most of us can’t resist. This infographic will help you understand the root causes of procrastination so you can start to withstand the lure of “I can always do it later…." Arm yourself with these 8 strategies to fight procrastination:  Focus on the benefits. Look at the task as something that will improve your life, rather than a chore that must be completed.  Chart your progress. Making progress visible by checking items off a list or filling in a progress bar can boost your motivation. Feed your productivity — literally. Eat a banana or drink a glass of juice to replenish your blood glucose levels and give your brain a boost. Work somewhere comfortable and familiar. Our brains read uncertainty as risk and are more prone to distraction.  Set a timer. Tell yourself you only have to buckle down and focus for 15 minutes. Repeated, short sprints can add up to big progress.  Find a work buddy. Having someone to hold you accountable — and celebrate with when you’ve accomplished your goal — is great motivation.  Establish a routine. Include scheduled breaks to refresh your brain and renew your focus.  Set mini-goals. Break up a big, intimidating task into individual steps, then give yourself a little reward when you hit specific milestones. Read the rest of the infographic to find out exactly what happens in your brain when you procrastinate, the driving factors behind habitual procrastination, and the surprising monetary cost of putting off tasks.  Source: Looking for more tips to keep procrastination at bay? Give these 4 new productivity techniques a try. 

How Will the Internet of Things Shape the Future of Your Business? (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

How Will the Internet of Things Shape the Future of Your Business? (Infographic)

By 2019, the Internet of Things (IoT) industry will be more than double the size of the smartphone, PC, tablet, connected car, and wearable markets—combined. It’s predicted to become the largest device market in the world, adding $1.7 trillion in value to the global economy in the next two years. But what does this up-and-coming industry mean for your organization's future?  Internet of Things technologies will lead to a slew of innovations that will have a significant effect on businesses of all sizes and industries, including:  Greater efficiency for business operations: Connected devices will enable companies to harness data to improve their efficiency and effectiveness.  New business models and revenue streams: New processes will speed up time to market and respond faster to customer needs.  Global visibility: Large enterprises will be better able to track effectiveness across multiple locations, provide remote work essentials, and monitor the entire supply chain.  Tighter cybersecurity: More data means a greater potential for cybercriminals to steal sensitive business information.  Learn more about practical business applications for IoT devices, the concerns organizations have about adopting these new technologies, how major companies like Coca-Cola have deployed IoT, and what the experts have to say about this growing field in the infographic below.  Source: Exigent Networks   What Does the Future of Work Hold for You?  Learn more about the trends and technologies shaping how we’ll work in the years to come. Read our work management survey report to find out what thousands of today's professionals believe are the most important changes coming to the workplace.  Why wait? Get better work results today by starting a free trial of Wrike.

Origin of the #Hashtag in Social Media (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

Origin of the #Hashtag in Social Media (Infographic)

There's a global phenomenon in town, and it seems like it's here to stay. Yes, I'm talking about the hashtag. It existed under the alias "Octothorpe" long before Twitter was born, and it has recently risen to prominence as an easy way to insert yourself into any online conversation. What is the hashtag? Where did it come from? How do you use it? Find out why you keep seeing that little symbol in your feeds with our latest social media #infographic: Like our hashtag history? Share it on your blog with this embed code: Wrike Collaboration Software Read next: Will Your Company’s Social Media Marketing Efforts Pay Off? (Infographic)

The State of Project Management in 2015 (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

The State of Project Management in 2015 (Infographic)

Project management is becoming an essential part of running a successful company. But in an evolving industry like project management, where trends, top tools, and best practices are always changing, how can you tell if your approach to managing projects is outdated? This infographic collects statistics on various aspects of the project management industry to give you: Insights into the top business challenges leading to project failure The compelling benefits of introducing project management to your company Emerging trends that are shaping the future of project management (and your business!) Take a look at this infographic, and learn more about project management in this complete collection of project management statistics. Share this infographic on social media, or embed it on your own site using this code: Infographic brought to you by Wrike Project Management Tools to Accelerate Your Business If you want to introduce better project management to your business, you can start learning more now. Discover how a project management tool like Wrike can keep all your business projects running smoothly!

Why Social Media is a Top Priority for CMOs in 2015 (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

Why Social Media is a Top Priority for CMOs in 2015 (Infographic)

It's no secret that social media has permanently altered the marketing landscape. But eight years after Facebook opened its doors to businesses, many marketers are still trying to perfect their strategies and learn how to expertly navigate both emerging and established networks. According to a recent survey, this isn't likely to change in the coming year: social media is dominating CMOs' priorities for 2015. These three factors are driving CMOs' focus on social media:  87% of CMOs say social media is the most engaging medium for real-time content, over video and blogs. As a result, CMOs are devoting a full 21.4% of their total marketing budgets to social media efforts. Respondents admit social media is poorly integrated with their overall marketing strategy. (3.85 on a scale from 1-7.) Curious about how budgets are shifting from traditional to digital marketing this year? Or how content, analytics, and consulting fit into CMO plans for 2015? Take a look at the full infographic below:  Source: Ciceron What do you think? Do you agree with these CMO priorities? Let us know in the comments below! Related Reads: 6 Top Marketing Trends for 2015 Will Your Company's Social Media Efforts Pay Off? (Infographic) Origins of the Hashtag in Social Media (Infographic)

6 Top Marketing Trends for 2015 (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

6 Top Marketing Trends for 2015 (Infographic)

2015 is upon us! (Can you believe it?) Time moves fast, but the marketing industry moves even faster. Alongside constantly changing customer needs, marketing teams have to cope with new technologies and trends popping up every day, or risk being left behind. In our latest infographic, we’ve compiled six top trends that all marketers should watch out for this year in order to stay on top of their game. Do you have your own ideas for what the top marketing trends will be? Cast your votes and see if others agree! Make sure your friends are in the know. You can share this infographic on your site using this embed code: Wrike Collaboration and Project Management Software Related Reads: Is Agile Viable for Marketing Teams? 4 Ways to Arm Your Team for Content Marketing Success Using Wrike for High Performance Marketing Teams