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Just for Fun

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Tackle This Year’s Spooky Halloween Activities Like a Project Manager
Project Management 3 min read

Tackle This Year’s Spooky Halloween Activities Like a Project Manager

Tackling spooky events this Halloween? Here’s how project management software can make your Halloween party the talk of the town.

Ask the Industry Expert: How to Project Manage the Six “Severance” Personalities on Your Team
Wrike Tips 7 min read

Ask the Industry Expert: How to Project Manage the Six “Severance” Personalities on Your Team

If you’ve watched the latest Apple TV® hit Severance, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. If not, you’ve at least heard the hype – it’s that dystopian/sci-fi series where some people elect to have a brain implant to essentially “sever” the link between their work and personal life consciousness so that their work selves

Wrike's Favorite Christmas Songs (A YouTube Playlist)
Productivity 5 min read

Wrike's Favorite Christmas Songs (A YouTube Playlist)

We thought it would be great fun to assemble a Christmas video playlist of a few of our favorite songs for the Holiday Season. So here are our top 14 Christmas tracks.

Santa's Secrets to Christmas Productivity
Productivity 3 min read

Santa's Secrets to Christmas Productivity

It's been a question for centuries: How does Santa Claus get all the gifts ready and fly around the world to deliver every present on Christmas Eve? While you're sitting around roasting chestnuts on an open fire, Santa and his friendly helpers are busy counting down the days left until Christmas. We have the inside

Ho-Ho-How Santa's Workshop Manages Christmas
Project Management 5 min read

Ho-Ho-How Santa's Workshop Manages Christmas

Santa Claus: one of the most well-known, eagerly anticipated, and incredibly successful entrepreneurs in history. Each year he oversees the production and distribution of toys to every single child on his Nice List — and with over 1.9 billion children on Earth, that's a lot of toys! He hasn't missed a year yet, but that's

10 Reasons Projects Fail: Lessons from the Death Star
Project Management 10 min read

10 Reasons Projects Fail: Lessons from the Death Star

Here I am. Sitting in a dingy cantina on some dusty backwater planet, the remnants of the Empire scattered to the far corners of the galaxy while some rebel scum occupies the capital on Coruscant. Where did it all go wrong? If you ask me, it comes down to the Death Star projects. I had friends

6 Reasons Home Alone's Kevin McAllister is a Project Management Genius
Project Management 5 min read

6 Reasons Home Alone's Kevin McAllister is a Project Management Genius

It’s the time of the year: everyone’s humming carols, organizing cookie swaps, and re-watching their favorite classic Christmas movies. During a screening of Home Alone here at Wrike HQ, we couldn’t help but notice the young protagonist's stellar project management skills, and started taking notes.

How to Throw a Killer Office Holiday Party Your Team Will Love
Collaboration 5 min read

How to Throw a Killer Office Holiday Party Your Team Will Love

Holding an office holiday party? You don’t need a huge budget or lavish event to make your team feel special! All you need are a few creative ideas. Here are our tips for throwing a holiday bash your team will rave about all year long.

Announcing the Winners of Our Awkward Collaboration Caption Contest
Collaboration 3 min read

Announcing the Winners of Our Awkward Collaboration Caption Contest

You commented, and we noticed! Over the past couple of weeks, we've posted photos of awkward collaboration moments on social media and asked you to fill in the captions. We went through all the submissions and selected the funniest, most outlandish, and cleverest captions for each photo. Congrats to all the winners!

Can't We All Just Get Along? How to Collaborate with Relatives on Thanksgiving
Collaboration 3 min read

Can't We All Just Get Along? How to Collaborate with Relatives on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is that time when families come together to give thanks for all the good things that happened throughout the year. There's turkey, conversations, overflowing food, and, boy, can there be drama. For many of us, it seems like the minute you need to collaborate with your relatives on a project as major as Thanksgiving

Don't Become a Project Manager from Hell!
Project Management 3 min read

Don't Become a Project Manager from Hell!

Being a PM aint easy, but there's no reason to do what these Project Managers from Hell did to their teams.

Enjoy the Turkey: A Project Manager’s Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving Day
Project Management 5 min read

Enjoy the Turkey: A Project Manager’s Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving Day

Many people see project management as a complicated tangle of work breakdown structures, spreadsheets, critical path timelines, risk assessments… There’s a reason they give out certifications for this stuff! But as David Allen astutely points out everyone is a project manager — especially on Thanksgiving Day.  What size turkey do you need? What if dinner’s ready,

10 Reasons the Death Star Project Failed (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

10 Reasons the Death Star Project Failed (Infographic)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… The Death Star projects failed spectacularly. Learn from the Empire’s mistakes and keep your projects from falling to the Dark Side! Check out our new Star Wars-inspired infographic and avoid further destruction by sharing it with all your padawans. You can share this infographic with all your

5 Project Management Warnings from The Shining
Project Management 5 min read

5 Project Management Warnings from The Shining

The Shining can present us with five very distinct warnings about how we should properly manage our teams and our projects — unless you want people to start angrily chasing one another while brandishing kitchen knives.

Your Workplace is Scarier Than a Horror Movie
Collaboration 5 min read

Your Workplace is Scarier Than a Horror Movie

Happy Halloween! If you really want horror stories, forget Stephen King. You need look no further than your own workplace!

What Quentin Tarantino Can Teach You About Creativity
Marketing 5 min read

What Quentin Tarantino Can Teach You About Creativity

We decided to aggregate some of the most interesting tidbits about Tarantino, from plot creation to film execution, to inspire your creative side.

7 Sasquatch-Sized Creativity Myths That Need Busting
Productivity 7 min read

7 Sasquatch-Sized Creativity Myths That Need Busting

Praying to the muses, serendipity, eureka moments — the creative process is clouded in superstition and mystery. Despite the ability to peek into the brain and watch different areas light up on an MRI, neuroscientists are still fairly stumped about exactly what happens during bursts of creative inspiration. With all the obscurity surrounding creative thought, it's

What Kind of Procrastinator Are You? (Decision Tree)
Productivity 3 min read

What Kind of Procrastinator Are You? (Decision Tree)

We’re all guilty of procrastination. It's not a crime, it's just something we do. And while there are dozens (if not hundreds) of productivity tips out there to help you find your motivation, you can’t completely get rid of that sneaking temptation to put off work — not forever, anyway. If you can’t fight it,

10 Gadgets to Keep You Healthy & Productive at Work
Productivity 5 min read

10 Gadgets to Keep You Healthy & Productive at Work

90,000 hours. 10.3 years. 18.5% of your waking hours over your entire lifetime. This is how much time you spend at work. You've probably read the stats on how all those hours are taking their toll on your health: sitting is the new smoking, work stress is killing you, the unhealthy habit of forgoing vacation days.

Take This Quiz: Are You A Micromanager? (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

Take This Quiz: Are You A Micromanager? (Infographic)

You read all the literature on micromanagement. You avoid forcing your ideas on your colleagues and friends whenever possible. But you still worry about whether or not you are coming across in a helpful, positive light. ...Or maybe this quiz suddenly appeared in your inbox from an anonymous sender? According to a survey from the book My

Taking a Stand: The Evolution of the Desk Employee (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

Taking a Stand: The Evolution of the Desk Employee (Infographic)

We decided to revisit history and unravel the evolution of sitting as well as the revolution of standing in the office. Check out the infographic below for the stories behind sitting, standing, and even kneeling in the office.

5 Lessons in Software Project Management from HBO's Silicon Valley
Project Management 5 min read

5 Lessons in Software Project Management from HBO's Silicon Valley

  Are you a fan of Silicon Valley? Turns out, HBO's latest hit is good for more than an entertaining half hour. It's also full of good advice for launching a startup in general and software development projects in particular. (If you’ve never seen the show, here’s a brief synopsis: programmer Richard works at tech giant Hooli

How to Take Your Productivity from 10 to ELEVEN
Productivity 3 min read

How to Take Your Productivity from 10 to ELEVEN

You don't have to visit the Upside Down or gain super powers to jumpstart your productivity. Here are our top five tips to help slay that Demogorgon of laziness and check off your tasks as "complete" in no time.

How to Enjoy Summer in the Office (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

How to Enjoy Summer in the Office (Infographic)

Summer no longer carries the same meaning once you pass childhood. Before, summer meant school's out, movie dates, picnics, and warm nights. Now, summer only means that it's going to be hotter in the office. It's not easy to stay productive when the sun is tempting you to skip work and go outside — but it