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10 Free Brainstorming Apps and Tools to Spark Innovation
Collaboration 5 min read

10 Free Brainstorming Apps and Tools to Spark Innovation

The key to brainstorming isn't just getting as many people as possible in a room so they can collaborate on the greatest ideas ever. It requires a bit more work to get the most out of your brainstorming session. Sometimes, the best brainstorming sessions are accompanied by a simple tool that allows you to record and visualize the progress of ideas. This allows your team to see the flow of ideas and gives more context around next steps.

7 Techniques for More Effective Brainstorming
Collaboration 10 min read

7 Techniques for More Effective Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a useful method to bring together a wide range of viewpoints. Additionally, it's a quick way to generate a large quantity of ideas. Here are 7 easy ways to brainstorm effectively, encourage collaboration, and eliminate judgement.

Mind Maps: How-to Guide With Examples
Collaboration 7 min read

Mind Maps: How-to Guide With Examples

What is a mind map? A highly effective tool to spark inspiring ideas. In this guide, we explain how to make a mind map and give useful mind mapping examples.

Effective Brainstorming (Video)
Collaboration 3 min read

Effective Brainstorming (Video)

Brainstorming project ideas can be challenging. Some ideas get lost due to disorganization or louder voices override quieter ones – as a result, brainstorming sessions can devolve into chaos. Check out our video on how to effectively organize and run your brainstorming sessions and maximize productivity.

A Guide To Successful Idea Generation Techniques
Marketing 7 min read

A Guide To Successful Idea Generation Techniques

Try these proven idea generation techniques to create innovative and successful campaigns and concepts. Discover how to generate new ideas with Wrike.

5 Creative Innovators Who Stole Their Biggest Ideas
Marketing 5 min read

5 Creative Innovators Who Stole Their Biggest Ideas

I think we can all agree that lying and cheating is definitely discouraged; stealing though, at least in the form of recycling ideas, can be appropriate when it comes to creative work. In fact, it may even make you famous.

Is the Quest for Peak Productivity Killing Creativity?
Productivity 7 min read

Is the Quest for Peak Productivity Killing Creativity?

Productivity is king in business, but does the focus on box-ticking stifle creative thinking at work? Find out how to balance productivity with innovation.

The Marketer's Secret Weapon: How to Get Buy-In for Your New Idea (A DroneCo Comic)
Marketing 3 min read

The Marketer's Secret Weapon: How to Get Buy-In for Your New Idea (A DroneCo Comic)

The ability to garner support and guide both execs and your project team through change is a vital part of being a good leader and project manager — not to mention it’ll make your life easier when you’re no longer fighting flawed processes, tools, and mindsets to get things done. But it’s a tricky skill to master. How do you get the necessary people to agree to a new idea and commit in a way that will result in meaningful action? Click to Tweet: Share the fun! Click the strip to Tweet it. 5 Tips to Get Buy-In for Your Idea: 1. Paint the Big Picture Emphasize the immediacy of the problem you’re currently facing, explain exactly what it’s costing your organization, and outline the specific benefit of your proposed solution. Change requires work and resources, so give people a compelling reason to make the effort.  2. Make It Personal Is there a certain executive that you know is particularly concerned about saving money, or getting things done faster? Who's always using the latest gadget or app to improve their daily lives? If your solution or idea relates to one of these areas, take it to that person. Use those particular interests to capture their full attention and increase the likelihood they’ll not only support you, they'll be just as invested in your proposal as you are.  3. Use Emotions to Your Advantage... We may like to think we make business decisions based on solid reasoning and rational justification, but emotion plays a huge role in whether we embrace or resist a proposed change. So consider the emotional drivers you can use to bolster your proposal. What current frustrations can you emphasize? What anxieties can you soothe?   4. ...But Cite Hard Evidence and Data When You Can  Point to recent successes your company has had in overcoming obstacles or adapting to change, and use them to both recall the positive feelings associated with that success and as evidence your organization can adapt successfully. Alternatively, you can find examples of companies or teams that made the same or a similar move with good results, and use their stories both as social proof and to provide a vision of where your company could be. 5. Follow up Once you've actually gotten approval for your idea, don't go radio silent on the topic. Maintain interest and support by checking in with executives and giving them updates on your progress, whether it’s reporting back on implementation options, adoption progress, or the positive results of your change. Plus, by showing how you’re actually delivering on your vision, you’re building trust with executives for the next time you need their support.  Follow the DroneCo Comic for More Startup Shenanigans! Check out the comic archive, and then subscribe to the strip to keep up with every new episode. And don't forget to follow DroneCo on Twitter for a daily dose of fun! Share our webcomic on your own site using this embed code:

Rules of Brainstorming: A Manager's Guide to Producing Great Ideas
Collaboration 7 min read

Rules of Brainstorming: A Manager's Guide to Producing Great Ideas

Let's go over the do's and don'ts of brainstorming and some brainstorming techniques to battle bad habits, so you can be sure your next brainstorming session is successful and effective.

6 Ways to Encourage the Best Ideas From Your Marketing Team
Marketing 10 min read

6 Ways to Encourage the Best Ideas From Your Marketing Team

Let’s dive into six different, actionable strategies that you can use to pull the biggest, best, and brightest marketing ideas out of the brains of your team members.