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The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Sprint Backlogs for Agile Teams
Project Management 10 min read

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Sprint Backlogs for Agile Teams

Master sprint backlogs and drive your Agile team’s success with our ultimate guide.

Backlog Grooming: Definition, Benefits, and Best Practices
Project Management 5 min read

Backlog Grooming: Definition, Benefits, and Best Practices

Top backlog grooming best practices to supercharge your next product refinement session. Learn more about sprint grooming with Wrike.

How To Use Iterative Process to Improve Project Outcomes
Project Management 7 min read

How To Use Iterative Process to Improve Project Outcomes

As projects become increasingly complex and multifaceted, a more flexible and adaptable approach to project management is essential. Using an iterative process can help you improve project outcomes by allowing for continuous refinement and adjustment of project goals and objectives. Let’s take a closer look at the key components of an iterative process and how to implement them in your next project.   Try Wrike for free Understanding the iterative process Iterative processes break a project down into smaller, more manageable cycles or phases. Each cycle involves planning, executing, and reviewing the work performed, with the goal of making continuous improvements to the project as a whole. This approach allows for more flexibility and the ability to make adjustments as needed, which is particularly important in fast-paced industries like software development, where requirements can change rapidly. Breaking projects down into smaller cycles will allow the team to test and refine their work more quickly. Key principles of iterative processes A few key elements make up the principles of the iterative process. These are: Emphasis on collaboration and communication: A strong emphasis on collaboration and communication among team members and stakeholders ensures that everyone is on the same page and that any issues or concerns are addressed in a timely manner. Flexibility and adaptability: By breaking a project down into smaller cycles, teams are able to adjust their approach when project requirements shift. Continuous feedback and review: This allows teams to identify areas for improvement, make adjustments as needed, and verify that the project is constantly improving. Iterative process vs. traditional project management Traditional project management approaches often rely on a linear, sequential process of planning, executing, and delivering a project. In contrast, iterative processes allow for more flexibility and the ability to make adjustments when necessary. It is cyclical, requiring regular feedback and adaptation. By focusing on collaboration and continual improvement, iterative processes can help to mitigate risks and increase overall project success. Implementing iterative processes in your project Now that we've explored what the iterative process is and how it differs from traditional project management, let's take a closer look at how to implement it in your next project. Assessing your project's needs Assess your project's requirements and identify any potential barriers to success. If necessary, conduct a thorough risk analysis and identify any potential stakeholder concerns or conflicting project goals. It's also important to consider the size and complexity of your project. Iterative methodologies are particularly well-suited to large, complex projects with a high degree of uncertainty and ambiguity. If your project is smaller and more straightforward, a traditional project management approach may be more appropriate. Choosing the right iterative methodology There are several iterative methodologies to choose from, including Agile, Scrum, and Lean. Each methodology has its own unique approach and set of best practices, so it's important to choose the one that best aligns with your project goals and team dynamics. Agile emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction, while Scrum is particularly well-suited for software development projects. As for Lean, it focuses on maximizing value and minimizing waste. Setting up an iterative project framework Once you've selected the appropriate methodology for your project, it's time to set up the project framework. Be sure to define project goals and objectives, establish iterative cycles, and identify key performance indicators to measure progress. Remember to involve all stakeholders in the project framework setup process to ensure buy-in and alignment. Consider holding a workshop or series of meetings to establish project goals and objectives and to define the scope and timeline of the project. Once the project framework is in place, establish clear communication channels and regular check-ins to keep the project on track. This may involve Daily Stand-up meetings, weekly progress reports, or other forms of regular communication.   Try Wrike for free Key components of an iterative process Now that we've explored how to implement an iterative process, let's take a closer look at the key components that make up this approach: Defining project goals and objectives In an iterative process, project goals and objectives are defined at the outset of the project and continuously refined throughout each iteration. By focusing on clearly defined project outcomes, teams can stay aligned and focused on achieving the desired results. If a team is working on developing a new software application, set goals such as creating a user-friendly interface, improving system speed and performance, and ensuring compatibility with various operating systems. Establishing iterative cycles The heart of any iterative process is the iterative cycles, which consist of planning, executing, and reviewing work performed in order to identify areas for improvement. By breaking a project down into smaller cycles, teams can stay focused, adapt to changing project requirements, and identify potential areas of risk. For the software development project mentioned in the previous section, break it down into smaller cycles, such as designing the user interface, developing the backend functionality, and testing the application. Monitoring and adjusting project progress Continuous monitoring and adjustment of project progress calls for regular feedback and review sessions, as well as the ability to make adjustments to project goals and objectives as needed. If the software development team realizes that the user interface they designed in the first iteration is not as user-friendly as they had hoped, they can make adjustments to their goals and objectives for the next iteration to focus more on improving the user experience. Incorporating feedback and lessons learned In an iterative process, continuous feedback and review sessions are used to identify areas for improvement and incorporate lessons learned into the project going forward. The purpose is to keep the project aligned with stakeholder needs and goals and confirm that the team is continuously learning and improving throughout the project lifecycle. After each iteration of the software development project, hold a review session with the team to discuss what went well and what could be improved. Then, incorporate these lessons learned into the next iteration for better results. Benefits of using iterative processes By adopting an iterative process approach to project management, you can realize a number of benefits, including: Improved project adaptability An iterative process allows for greater adaptability to changing project requirements or stakeholder needs. By breaking the project down into smaller cycles, teams can more easily pivot in response to new information or shifting priorities. If a team is building a new mobile app and discovers that a key feature is not working, they can quickly address the issue and make necessary changes without disrupting the entire project timeline. This can ultimately lead to a more successful project outcome. Enhanced stakeholder engagement An iterative process emphasizes collaboration and communication among team members and stakeholders to keep all parties aligned and working towards the same project outcomes. Stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of any project since stakeholders can serve as valuable sources of feedback. Their insights can inform project decisions and ensure that the final product meets stakeholder expectations. Reduced risk of project failure By continuously monitoring and adjusting project progress, an iterative process can help reduce the risk of project failure. Regular review sessions and the ability to make adjustments as needed can help to zone in on potential areas of risk and address them before they become larger issues. If a team is building a new website and discovers that the user experience is not meeting expectations, they make certain changes and improvements before the website is launched. This can help to avoid costly and time-consuming rework down the line. Increased efficiency and productivity An iterative process can help increase overall project efficiency and productivity by allowing teams to focus on smaller, more manageable cycles and flag areas for improvement throughout the project lifecycle. These cycles help to ensure that the project stays on track and is completed on time and within budget. Conclusion Adopting an iterative process approach to project management can help you improve project outcomes and increase overall project success. By breaking a project down into smaller cycles and continuously refining goals and objectives, teams can better adapt to changing project requirements and reduce the risk of project failure. Whether you're working on a large-scale project or a smaller initiative, using an iterative process can help you achieve your project goals and deliver high-quality results. Try Wrike for free Streamline your projects even further with Wrike's comprehensive suite of tools. Sign up for a free trial and transform your business into a productivity powerhouse. Experience the Wrike advantage yourself.   Note: This article was created with the assistance of an AI engine. It has been reviewed and revised by our team of experts to ensure accuracy and quality.  

Free Sprint Planning Template for Efficient Teams
Project Management 10 min read

Free Sprint Planning Template for Efficient Teams

Sprint planning templates support effective teamwork under the Agile methodology. See how to create your own in this guide.

Agile Software Development Best Practices
Project Management 10 min read

Agile Software Development Best Practices

Agile development is all about delivering value sooner and offering benefits for teams and customers. Here are the Agile software development best practices to know.

What Is the Scaled Agile Framework? SAFe Explained
Project Management 10 min read

What Is the Scaled Agile Framework? SAFe Explained

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) helps enterprise teams manage complex projects effectively. Learn more about using SAFe to optimize your workflows.

What Is Agile SDLC and How Can Your Team Use It?
Project Management 10 min read

What Is Agile SDLC and How Can Your Team Use It?

Want to know more about the Agile software development life cycle and how you can use it to improve your team’s workflows? Read Wrike’s guide to the Agile SDLC.

What Is Agile Project Management?
Project Management 10 min read

What Is Agile Project Management?

The Agile project management methodology breaks projects into phases for flexibility and speed. Learn more about Agile project management with Wrike.

A Guide to Managing Agile Meetings
Project Management 10 min read

A Guide to Managing Agile Meetings

When done right, Agile meetings help teams improve their collaborations and produce better-quality work. Here’s what to know about effective Agile meetings.

What Are the 5 Scrum Values?
Project Management 7 min read

What Are the 5 Scrum Values?

How does adhering to the five Scrum values and principles lead to more successful teams? Learn more how the principles of Scrum guide Agile productivity.

How to Use the Fibonacci Scale in Agile Estimation
Project Management 7 min read

How to Use the Fibonacci Scale in Agile Estimation

The Fibonacci scale helps Agile teams estimate the time tasks should take. Learn more about Fibonacci in Agile and how you can apply it to your projects.

What Is a Burn Up Chart?
Project Management 7 min read

What Is a Burn Up Chart?

A burn up chart is a visual way to measure progress and team schedules. Learn how to create one and plot the points on an Agile burn up chart with Wrike.

A Guide to PI Planning in Agile
Project Management 10 min read

A Guide to PI Planning in Agile

Discover the ultimate guide to PI planning in Agile and help your teams prioritize their work and use agile principles to deliver with speed and agility.

What You Need To Know About Requirements Gathering
Project Management 10 min read

What You Need To Know About Requirements Gathering

What is requirements gathering, and why does it matter in project management? Here’s what you need to know to collect information and deliver winning projects.

How to Leverage Project Estimation Techniques
Project Management 10 min read

How to Leverage Project Estimation Techniques

Plan your next project with confidence using these proven project estimation techniques. Improve accuracy, control costs, and effectively manage resources.

RICE Scoring & Framework Explained
Project Management 7 min read

RICE Scoring & Framework Explained

In this article, we’ll define the RICE model and what it stands for. We’ll also explain how RICE scores work, plus the benefits and challenges of using this framework. Keep reading to discover how to strategically apply this method to project management. What is the RICE model? RICE stands for reach, impact, confidence, and effort. The RICE framework is a project prioritization method used for quantifying the potential value of features, project ideas, and initiatives. It’s a great tool for facilitating Agile teamwork.  How do RICE scores work? RICE is a score that measures the effort needed to get an item to its goal. It helps us identify which items are most important and which ones are least important.  Reach This metric shows the number of people who would be affected by a feature or service in a given time period. It could be a reduction in churn or a spike in transactions. Impact A feature's impact is measured by how much it contributes to the overall success of your product. It can also be used to determine how much of a boost it will provide to your conversion rate. This is often used for product management but can also be applied to projects involving user-facing parts or experiences.  There are many ways to measure the impact of a feature. Some key questions to consider include: will it improve conversion rates, or will it make the experience more streamlined? Confidence This metric is used to measure the confidence that you have in the estimations that you made for a project. It asks how confident you are in the data to back up those estimations. Rated on a scale, this metric involves both internal and external validation to score properly.  Effort This is the amount of work it takes for a team to build a feature or complete a project. It can be a long-term project or a simple requirement that only needs a few people. Your exact definition of effort may vary. But most product and project managers use metrics such as time and budget.  RICE model example RICE is calculated using this formula: (Reach x Impact x Confidence) / Effort It’s up to you to create your own scoring system within each part of the formula. But reach is usually a whole number within a time frame, impact is a number on a tiered scale you define, and confidence can be a percentage on your own custom scale, with 100% being the most confident. Effort is almost always quantified as time, but it can be defined as any resource type, such as labor.  For example, let’s say the school lunch team is deciding if they should make more peanut butter or tuna fish sandwiches for the upcoming field trip. Using the RICE model, we’ll calculate the scores of both sandwich types to determine which should be prioritized.  Reach There are 100 students going on the one-day trip, so we’ll use one day as our time frame. Of those 100, 80 have signed up for school lunch. Therefore, peanut butter’s reach is 80, and tuna fish’s reach is also 80.  Impact Our tiered scale will be small and define student interest based on what we know about leftover sandwiches from the last trip.  1 = lots of leftovers from last trip 2 = some leftovers from last trip 3 = few to no leftovers from last trip  There were few to no peanut butter sandwiches leftover from the last trip, but half of all tuna sandwiches were left untouched.  From this, we can now see that peanut butter’s impact is 3, while tuna fish’s impact is 2.  Confidence We’ll define how confident we are that students will want to eat the sandwiches on a scale of: 0% = extremely unconfident 50% = somewhat confident 100% = they love the stuff We know in this particular example that there are no nut allergies in this group, but there are some vegetarians. Therefore, pulling from the data on leftover sandwiches, we can ascertain that peanut butter’s confidence is 100%, while tuna fish’s confidence is 50%. Effort Peanut butter sandwiches can be prepared by simply spreading it onto bread, while tuna fish requires opening cans, mixing mayonnaise with spices, and then spreading it. Our effort scale will be defined as: Peanut butter’s effort = 3 minutes per sandwich Tuna fish’s effort = 6 minutes per sandwich Final calculation Peanut Butter’s RICE Score = (80x3x100%)/3 = 80 Tuna Fish’s RICE Score = (80x2x50%)/6 = 13 From this analysis, we know that peanut butter sandwiches have scored higher, so their production should be prioritized for the upcoming school trip to maximize the efficiency of supply ordering and division of labor.  The benefits of RICE prioritization In a nutshell, RICE helps you make better-informed decisions in Agile project management. The scoring system helps identify when to make the most advantageous trade-offs and minimize potential biases.  It also helps empower teams to take the next steps with minimal supervision since task prioritization is made simple when using this tool. And even when you’ve got a project underway, RICE makes it easy to organize all of your incoming work requests without disrupting active work.  RICE scoring asks users to defend their choices when measuring their work and resource usage against defined priorities.  Challenges of using the RICE framework Due to the complexity of RICE, product managers often have to consider multiple metrics across multiple features to create the best possible outcome. This is time-consuming, and much of the decision-making is at the manager’s discretion, which may defeat the purpose of the method in the first place.  Another challenge is the potential lack of information. Data isn't always available for every product, and for most physical products, these metrics are often hard to measure. And last but not least is implementation. After putting in all the effort to create your RICE framework, you still need to get your team on board. If they aren’t frequently referring to the metrics or don’t fully understand what it means for their work on a practical day-to-day level, then the framework creation was a waste of resources.  How to use RICE in project management Most project managers have at least some understanding of how to prioritize tasks. They may also have preconceived notions about how to do this.  But due to the complexity of project management, it can be difficult to make informed decisions without a system for some of the most complicated factors. Some of these factors include team capabilities, personal biases, and the impact on companies or stakeholders. That’s where RICE scoring and frameworks come into project management. Rice scoring allows project managers the opportunity to make data-driven decisions with objective considerations that are related to the goals and the experiences of their customers.  While a good project management system can help minimize this subjectivity by allowing people to easily prioritize tasks even when everything seems important, RICE frameworks also contextualize these choices.  How to use RICE in product management A scoring system for product prioritization is not new. But finding one that works seamlessly across different ideas can be a challenge.  Using the RICE scoring system outlined above, product managers can create a score for their many competing priorities. Once those are calculated, managers can draft a roadmap based on the order of product prioritization.  This framework communicates which initiatives are most valuable to teams while providing a clear way forward no matter how complex your product to-do list has become.  Combining RICE scoring and framework with a product management solution that allows you to carry out your new plan is crucial. Abilities such as performing critical path analysis that prevents conflicting resource usage or expectations and updating tasks with customized statuses so that teams can stay true to their RICE analysis results can make or break your prioritization efforts.  Ready to maximize the efficiency of your project and product management plans through strategic task prioritization? Get started today with Wrike’s two-week free trial. 

What Is an Agile Coach?
Collaboration 10 min read

What Is an Agile Coach?

An Agile coach can help organizations restructure and reorganize their processes and pave the way for successful project delivery.

What Is Technical Debt?
Project Management 5 min read

What Is Technical Debt?

What is technical debt? Technical debt is a metaphor for the cost of prioritizing delivery over performance. Learn more about avoiding technical debt with Wrike.

Scrum for Newbies: How to Use Scrum to Tame Chaos
Project Management 10 min read

Scrum for Newbies: How to Use Scrum to Tame Chaos

Scrum is a great tool for managing complex projects and multiple tasks. If you're starting out with it, here are some tips from wise Scrum Masters and Scrum evangelists.

What Is a Velocity Chart in Agile?
Project Management 7 min read

What Is a Velocity Chart in Agile?

Discover the value of using a velocity chart in Agile projects. Learn how to calculate team velocity and turn that information into actionable insights.

How To Get the Most Out of Stand Up Meetings
Productivity 7 min read

How To Get the Most Out of Stand Up Meetings

Hold a productive stand up meeting that makes your teams more effective and results in better collaborative project planning. Plan it in Wrike.

Agile Marketing: Buzzword or Top Strategy for Fast-Paced Marketing Teams?
Marketing 7 min read

Agile Marketing: Buzzword or Top Strategy for Fast-Paced Marketing Teams?

Is "Agile marketing" really just an overhyped term for what marketers have been doing all along? Or is it the effective method for managing campaigns that believers say it is?

Digital Transformation Is Contagious: Tips to Help Your Clients Catch On
Leadership 10 min read

Digital Transformation Is Contagious: Tips to Help Your Clients Catch On

Everyone is talking about digital transformation these days. But what if you have a client who hasn’t embraced the benefits? Engage them in your collaborative work management system and read on for more tips to make your working relationship productive and successful.

Scrum in marketing: making enterprises adaptive
Marketing 7 min read

Scrum in marketing: making enterprises adaptive

Every year and even every month, new technologies, markets and competitors spring up, and today’s businesses have to be agile to be able to face the impending challenges. In such an unstable environment, traditional principles of managing product development may lead companies to failure. If the product requirements change drastically from the time the product is designed to the moment when it is released, it can result in the delivery of outdated products. Otherwise, ineffective change management processes may destroy product development, and the product will never be delivered.New methods in project management Nowadays to be successful, a company has to be fast to adapt. Driven by business priorities, managers use progressive methods of product development aimed to cure the mistakes of traditional approaches. Some of these methods acquired the name of agile project management. These methods originated in R&D departments and now are introduced in marketing as well. Markets change quickly, forcing you to reposition your product. When you introduce an innovative product, it’s not clear how you should promote it and what the customers really need. Very often when innovative products are born, manufacturers and customers may not know how or why the products will be used, so it’s not evident what specific features of a product will or will not be valued. Playing in such markets entails a process of mutual discovery by customers and vendors – and this just takes time. According Clayton M. Christensen’s book “The Innovator’s Dilemma,” research has shown that the vast majority of successful new companies abandoned their original business strategies after trying to implement their initial plans and learning what would and would not work in the market. This shows how important it is for a company to quickly evolve its strategy and tactics.What is Scrum? Scrum as a marketing project management methodology Marketing is often executed in project-based manner. That is why a lot of generic project management principles perfectly apply to marketing and why marketing should also be optimized, similar to project management techniques. Agile cycle approaches to marketing may help to overcome problems experienced by marketing executives. One of these approaches is the Scrum methodology, which has originally been developed as an agile software development method for project management. Now Scrum is successfully employed in Agile business transformation by hundreds of different companies, such as, Wildcard Systems, H&M, and John Deere, in many different fields, with outstanding results. Scrum adopts an empirical approach, accepting that the problem cannot be fully understood or successfully defined in a predictable and planned manner. The focus of Scrum is on maximizing the team's ability to deliver quickly and respond to emerging requirements. This method is praised for making the team more productive, reducing risks and maximizing the business value of a developed product and minimizing the period of the development time. Scrum is based on defining sprints - time periods (usually 2 to 4 weeks) during which the prioritized work (sprint backlog) should be done. During a sprint, the team gets together for daily meetings where team members discuss what they have already done, what they are going to do till the next meeting and what prevents them of doing something that they planned to do. In other words, Scrum meetings are supposed to keep teams on track and help members get their work done. At the end of each sprint, there is a brief sprint retrospective at which all team members reflect about the past sprint. According to Ken Schwaber, co-creator of the Scrum meeting method (along with Jeff Sutherland), the purpose of a daily Scrum is to keep teams focused "on their objectives and to help them avoid being thrown off track by less important concerns." Now Scrum is often viewed as an iterative, incremental process for developing any product or managing any work. Indeed, short and regular meetings can be as important for small marketing teams as they are for production teams. Members of a marketing group may be working on a variety of projects, but they're all working toward the same goal – marketing the company and its products or services. Therefore, every member of a team has to know what the others are working on and what direction the whole team is moving in. Collaborative project management software for Scrum in marketing The Scrum approach to marketing becomes even more efficient when empowered by Enterprise 2.0 technologies. New- generation software, especially tools meant for project management, bring collaboration to marketing and can make it more productive. These applications (I will call them Project Management 2.0 software) let team members easily share information on the projects and tasks they are involved in and help every team member see the whole picture of the company’s marketing strategy. Project management 2.0 software makes collaboration and management more transparent, letting everyone know who is accountable for what and by when. Scrum in marketing makes the possible problems visible at early stages and allows coping with them quicker and with minimal losses. One of the major Scrum principles is “no problems are swept under the carpet.” Every team member is encouraged to describe the difficulties he is experiencing, as this might influence the work of the whole group. Discussing problems early also helps to reduce financial risk. With the beginning of every sprint period, the business owner can change any of the marketing project parameters without penalty, including increasing investments to enlarge consumers’ quantity, reducing investments until unknowns are mitigated, or financing other initiatives. A new approach to marketing requires flexible planning, which is possible with the help of collaboration software. In the ever-changing business environment, short-term marketing plans based on sprints can be much more effective. Marketing managers get an opportunity to switch from one promotion method to another, if the first one proved to be unsuccessful during the sprint period. It also becomes easier to clarify due dates of every small, but important task, to each member of a team. For example if a team is getting ready for a fair, it should be clear about who is responsible for preparing handouts, who will make a presentation about a product and who will design the company showcase. With Project Management 2.0 software, like Wrike for example, it becomes possible for everyone on the team to contribute to the plans, edit and update them. New-generation software brings stakeholders and partners into the collaboration process. Their input and feedback will help shape the marketing agenda along the way. The clients can be involved, too. In fact, the principal aim of every marketing team is understanding customers’ needs and helping clients achieve their goals. In today’s enterprises, achieving the heightened customer loyalty – what brand marketers refer to as “emotional lock-in” – is especially challenging when an organization is dealing with tens of thousands or even millions of customers. Empowered by the new-generation software, Scrum lets you involve your clients in the marketing process and take advantage of the wisdom of the crowds. Collective intelligence helps to improve the quality of products and services and make them fully satisfy the consumer’s needs. Scrum lets you promote your product not for a client, but together with your client. Customers can be involved in various ways. For example, they can literally participate in the development process by sending their feedback and contributing to the plans. So, as we can see, innovative management methods brought to marketing make a company more agile and let it respond quicker to the needs of the emerging markets. It makes a company even more successful when empowered with Enterprise 2.0 tools that bring collaboration into organizations. They help improve communication and turn it from one-way (from a company to its customers) to two-way (from a company to its customers and back), helping to improve products and services. Now you know the Scrum basics, you can see how helps a company make its marketing policy nimble and lets it promote its products with lower costs, avoiding unnecessary money and resource spending and helping to reveal possible mistakes in the initial planning. The result is maximization a company’s benefit.