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All articles for: “entrepreneurs”

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Why Structured Collaboration Is Key to the Future of Work
Collaboration 3 min read

Why Structured Collaboration Is Key to the Future of Work

Success in a post-pandemic world will rely on overcoming the challenges of unstructured work. Find out more about what this means in our article.

What Brexit May Mean for Your Business (Work Management Roundup)
Leadership 5 min read

What Brexit May Mean for Your Business (Work Management Roundup)

Welcome back to the weekly Work Management Roundup, where we collect and curate links to articles on business, work, productivity, and careers. And what a tumultuous week it's been! One word for you: BREXIT. That's all anyone will be talking about for at least a month.

Anatomy of a Tech Startup Team (Infographic)
Collaboration 3 min read

Anatomy of a Tech Startup Team (Infographic)

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all blueprint for a successful tech startup team. As most founders are well aware, good hiring is a lot more complicated than simply plugging people into a cookie cutter org chart. But blindly guessing which positions you need isn't exactly a stellar hiring strategy, either. Having a general

7 Teamwork Terrors and How to Conquer Them
Collaboration 5 min read

7 Teamwork Terrors and How to Conquer Them

Since the dawn of man, teamwork and cooperation has been the preferred method of getting things done. From the pyramids of Giza to the Golden Gate Bridge, we rely heavily on teams of engineers and architects to create such majestic masterpieces. However, where there is teamwork, there is work required to be a team. Too many

Failing Forward: How to Turn Mistakes Into Success
Leadership 3 min read

"Failing Forward": How to Turn Mistakes Into Success

Fail fast and fail often. If you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough.  Entrepreneurs hear this ALL the time. It sounds like good advice, and we're all familiar with the stories of famous innovators overcoming setbacks to achieve greatness. Everyone from Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs has an inspirational anecdote where failure was an essential

20 #ProjectManagement Gurus to Follow on Twitter
Project Management 7 min read

20 #ProjectManagement Gurus to Follow on Twitter

Twitter is a fantastic resource for keeping up with the latest trends and connecting with leading figures in project management. But the sheer number of voices can often be overwhelming, especially when you’re new to the world of tweets and hashtags. We’ve sifted through the crowd and collected 20 inspirational and informative Project Management Gurus you

How to Create a Lean Canvas Model (Template)
Leadership 10 min read

How to Create a Lean Canvas Model (Template)

According to the Harvard Business Review, many startups fail because they waste resources building the wrong product and neglecting customer research. This is typically the result of a lack of proper problem understanding at the start. That’s where the lean canvas model comes in.  Traditionally, business plans are long documents that take weeks (or more) to

Is Red Tape Stifling Your Creative Team? (Work Management Roundup)
Collaboration 3 min read

Is Red Tape Stifling Your Creative Team? (Work Management Roundup)

Welcome back to the weekly Work Management Roundup where we collect and curate great articles about work, productivity, collaboration, and life hacks. This week, we open with a great discussion on how administrative processes and compliance issues often stifle the creativity of your best people. Read on!

Should Founders Be More Transparent? (Work Management Roundup)
Leadership 3 min read

Should Founders Be More Transparent? (Work Management Roundup)

Welcome back to the weekly Work Management Roundup, where we collect and curate the week's best reads in productivity, management, and work. This week, we lead off with an interesting story about one founder's risky move in the face of a potential acquisition. He made his acquisition process public and shared crucial lessons that other entrepreneurs can now benefit from. But it was a risk. Is this kind of transparency worth it? You be the judge.

What Are The Most Outrageous Startup Perks?
Marketing 3 min read

What Are The Most Outrageous Startup Perks?

Catered meals, in-office massages, free afternoon yoga classes... Cushy employee perks are a famous part of startup culture, especially in the tech industry of Silicon Valley.  If you're a founder looking to hire your first employees (or you're just curious about how other organizations create and sustain a unique company culture) check out the latest chatter

Startup Launch Checklist: 22 Steps to Success (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

Startup Launch Checklist: 22 Steps to Success (Infographic)

  Starting a business is an exciting idea, but pretty daunting when it comes down to logistics. If you're stumped on where to start when it comes to launching your startup, check out our latest infographic for a step-by-step roadmap on how to go from concept to thriving business. Share this infographic with fellow founders with this

31 Quotes About Launching a Startup (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

31 Quotes About Launching a Startup (Infographic)

Launching a startup is no walk in the park. Once you decide to follow your dreams, it's a long marathon to success. Luckily, you're not the first person to take on the challenge. Read these inspirational quotes from well-known founders and CEOs for actionable startup launch advice. They cover everything from finding your niche to the