The core of Wrike's purpose is to help teams work better together. Part of that means simplifying the collaboration process for teams when multiple people need to contribute written content for a project.

In the past, teams had to pass documents around through email. Person A writes their version; then Person B adds their ideas; finally Person C makes their edits and leaves additional comments. The process was slow, and Person C could be waiting days or weeks to see any work cross their desk. That is no longer good enough in today's Agile environment.

With Wrike's Live Editor, teams can work faster. It's more than just a description, it's a live workspace for collaboration! Keeping ideas and documents in Wrike tasks means a few things for your team:

1. Several people can edit work at once

The task description in Wrike updates and saves changes automatically. That means you and your colleague(s) can all make edits simultaneously, allowing for real-time collaboration. You'll see what others are typing as they're typing it, so you can immediately modify your own work accordingly.

2. You always have the latest version of work

As soon as an email is sent, it's outdated. Plans change. New ideas blossom late in the night. By relying on email, you run the risk of a colleague opening your email a few days late, only to start building their work on an obsolete version of your project.

When you keep work in Wrike tasks, everything is updated in real time. There is always one true version of your project, with no chance for colleagues to build their work on an outdated communication. Your colleagues see revisions as soon as you make them, and if they open a task right when you're in the process of updating it, they'll be able to watch as you make changes.

3. All changes are automatically tracked

Wrike's Live Editor means you can stop manually tracking changes. Every task includes a time slider, so you can review all previous versions of the work. This is especially helpful if someone removes information from the task description field that you still need. Use the time slider to go back in time, find the missing info, and then copy and paste it back into your task.

In another situation: If someone edits your task, but you don't like the changes they've made or your team decides they preferred the original, you're able to completely revert to a previous version using the time slider.

4. Your team improves results

To become a market-leading company — and stay there once you've made it — being a fast-paced Agile organization is a must. When work is happening in real time, your team can iterate quickly and improve campaigns in minutes instead of days. No more downtime as you wait for a document to get passed to you, and you can see the latest updates instantly. Using Wrike's Live Editor means your team can get work out the door faster.

More Features of Wrike's Live Editor

  • The Live Editor can be found in three places: task descriptions, project descriptions, and high-level folder descriptions.
  • When looking at a task together, a colored cursor with your colleague's name will appear in the place where they are making changes.
  • You can use rich text formatting like bold text, lists, checkboxes, hyperlinks, header fonts, simple tables, and more.
  • You can paste images to the Live Editor in a minimized format to save space in the description, or expand it to a larger view.

Read more in our Help Center.

Improve the Way You Work with Wrike's Live Editor

Wrike's Live Editor enables you and your team to work together and share project updates as if you're in the same room, even when you're in different offices or across the world. It's also a great place to keep meeting notes and brainstorming ideas.

Read our post on How to Run Effective Weekly Meetings in Wrike.

If you love Wrike's Live Editor, share your success story in the comments below. When was the last time the Live Editor helped you complete work faster?