In project management, collaboration can be a challenge, especially for creative teams. This is why creative team collaboration tools are so important. Not only are they a cost-effective solution for group communication, but they’re also great for brainstorming new projects, sharing ideas, and fast-tracking approvals. 

Yet, many marketing agencies still don’t realize how high the ROI on project management software for creatives can be This is unfortunate given the rise of in-house agency work over the last few years. To help you create a competitive advantage in this evolving marketplace, we’ve compiled the answers to your most burning questions about creative collaboration tools. Discover fresh ways to manage your creative teams and learn how to choose the most beneficial software for your unique needs. 

Who can be defined as part of a 'creative team'?

A creative team is any group of individuals who come together to create imaginative, original work. This work typically includes at least one form of art such as graphic design, photography, or writing. A creative team aims to complete a set of shared objectives and, in formal settings, produce a measurable result within a predetermined amount of time. 

Creative teams involve both creatives and non-creatives but both types of people are necessary for success. For example, your marketing team may consist of videographers, directors, and editors but you still need help from project managers, event coordinators, and social media directors to achieve your goals. 

What is creative collaboration?

Creative collaboration is the process teams use to define goals, come up with fresh ideas, and bring those ideas to life. It begins when a client first brings their project to your firm and ends when the final product is delivered. After the initial kickoff meeting, it’s up to the creative team to work together and come up with a concrete version of a client’s vision using their skills and artistic know-how. 

Should you manage a creative team like any other team?

No, you should not manage a creative team like any other team. Here’s why. 

Creative work is more fluid than non-creative work which means your regular project management KPIs aren’t helpful here. Instead, project managers should focus on facilitating discussion, keeping team members on track for deadlines, and providing all the necessary tools they need to succeed. 

Also, creative teams need room to experiment, which involves a lot of trial and error. This idea can be challenging for clients who want to see results equal to their upfront investments and delivered within their preferred time frame. Striking the balance between the two is the biggest challenge creative project managers have to face. 

Learn how to manage creatives with these simple guidelines: 

1. Set client expectations 

The key to managing creatives is to first manage your clients and prevent common roadblocks. Educate them on the ups and downs of the creative process. Then, use creative collaboration tools to give them transparency into your team’s efforts so they can feel confident that progress is being made at every stage. Your creative team will have room to breathe and your clients will feel confident about the outcome. 

2. Use empathy

Empathy is an essential leadership skill and it’s especially important when you work with creatives. If you work with creatives across a variety of disciplines, you need to understand their individual points of view to facilitate group conversation. Learn to identify the eight main creative types and how to get the best work out of each of them by putting yourself in their shoes. 

3. Give creative teams guidance and freedom 

Monitor meetings, status updates, and budget projections closely but allow your creatives to come up with the final product on their own. This will limit scope creep and effectively manage any additional client requests that come your way.  

What software can you use for creative team project management?

Use software specially made for creative project management. Creative collaboration platforms help you manage all the moving parts, give creatives space to freely discuss their ideas, and keep everyone on the same page. In a nutshell, creative collaboration software like Wrike provides many ways to put clients at ease. It also helps creatives work at a high level without sacrificing timeliness or budgets.

Add Wrike to your list of favorite creative collaboration tools 

Now that we’ve shared some tips on how to effectively manage creative teams, you can begin to use tools that better facilitate your newfound management style. Wrike has a free trial that allows you to test out the flexible and intuitive tools that creative teams swear by So, check it out!