Efficiency is one of the main reasons why Wrike professional services are called in to help organizations of every size. The Wrike PS experts regularly find themselves helping organizations in a wide variety of fields and industries as they try to reach their team’s full potential for modern work efficiency. 

Collaborate 2023 was designed as the perfect place for professional services teams to hear insights, integrations, and interactions to learn how to tackle challenges and thrive in a tough economy. 

On that note, we’ve curated a round-up of all the can’t-miss sessions for professional services teams. Here’s a peek into three exciting professional services talks that happened at Collaborate 2023.

1. Unlock Insights With Wrike’s Charts and Dashboards — Shannon Riley and Margaret Gibbs


In this session, Shannon Riley, Industry Principal for Marketing, and Margaret Gibbs, Professional Services Consultant, introduced Wrike’s new visualization features, including charts and dashboards. The presenters discussed how these features can provide benefits such as rapid trend identification, enhanced data understanding, improved decision making, and customized reporting.

The presenters also provided best practices, including using template widgets, setting user filters, combining data sources, using drag and drop, and adding chart views to blueprints. Overall Wrike’s new visualization capabilities provide actionable insights, increase productivity, and offer organizations a competitive advantage.

Key takeaways

  • Independently analyze data without relying on IT or data experts
  • Create unified views using the pre-built templates and widgets in dashboards
  • Dynamically display assigned work and combine data from multiple folders and spaces

2. Optimize Your Resources With Wrike Skills Management — Richard Blatcher and Kristian Truelsen


The next PS-inspired session was led by Richard Blatcher and Kristian Truelsen, both solutions leaders at Wrike. They provided a comprehensive introduction to Wrike’s new skills management feature, designed to effectively manage and optimize resources based on specific skills. 

The presenters also demoed Wrike’s new skills management in action, including how admins can assign proficiency grades to users. They provided best practices to optimize resources, manage teams, and ensure the right skills are in place at the right time.

Key takeaways

  • Integrating digital footprints across platforms for holistic campaigns
  • The essence of storytelling in brand representation
  • Maximizing Wrike’s platform for real-time campaign analytics and iterative feedback
  • Crafting content that aligns with both brand ethos and audience expectations
  • Methods to foster organic growth and brand loyalty in saturated markets

3. Swiss Army Wrike: Find New ROI With Efficient Ticketing — Joyce Campos, Matt Allen, and Cari Slocum


The session discussed how Sonny’s Enterprises, LLC leveraged Wrike as a ticketing management solution for handling website update requests. 

Joyce Campos, Web Specialist at Sonny’s Enterprises, LLC, joined Wrike’s own Matt Allen, Principal IT Architect, and Cari Slocum, Senior Solution Consultant, and highlighted the challenges of depending solely on email for ticketing amidst a growing customer base.

Cari demonstrated how Wrike’s custom item types can capture input fields, assign urgency levels, and provide cross-team visibility through charts. Ultimately, Wrike provided a versatile ticketing solution without the need for an additional platform.

Key takeaways

  • Relying solely on email for ticketing can result in delays and communication gaps
  • Custom item types can encourage collaboration among teams
  • Wrike benefits include faster response times, easier coverage, and more visibility

Welcoming you all to Collaborate 

Our favorite part of Collaborate 2023 was seeing all our attendees engaging with the platform and the sessions.

We can’t wait to see you at our next work management conference — in the meantime, you’re welcome to watch Collaborate 2023 back with our on-demand sessions. Whether you were there in real time and want to rewatch something or you couldn’t make the live event, head here for on-demand access to Collaborate.

See you next year!