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Shelly Madden

Shelly Madden

Shelly is a Senior Content Marketing Manager for Wrike. Based in Galway, Ireland, she manages freelancers, blog production, and strategic projects. A former full-time copywriter and editor, her writing experience spans multiple themes, from sci-tech news to tiny woodland creatures. Her passions include etymology, color-coded calendars, and the Eurovision Song Contest.

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HR Buyer’s Guide: How to Optimize Your Employee Management — Free eBook
Project Management 5 min read

HR Buyer’s Guide: How to Optimize Your Employee Management — Free eBook

Are your HR teams on top of their workload? Or are they struggling just to get by?  The COVID-19 pandemic put an undeniable strain on HR departments across the globe as they struggled to think on their feet and facilitate the dramatic push into remote working. As noted by Forbes, the challenges of 2020 have “reshaped

The Ultimate Return-to-Work Checklist for Employees (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

The Ultimate Return-to-Work Checklist for Employees (Infographic)

As the COVID-19 pandemic eases with the acceleration of vaccine rollouts, companies across the globe are preparing to welcome employees back to the office. Organizational departments such as HR, IT, and people operations will be following individual checklists to ensure all bases are covered when the physical workplace reopens. This includes introducing cleaning procedures, creating

Working Remotely and In-Office? Here’s How To Plan Your Week
Workplace Trends 5 min read

Working Remotely and In-Office? Here’s How To Plan Your Week

Worrying about how to adjust to a flexible work schedule? Check out Wrike’s guide to working remotely and in-office to help you plan your week accordingly.

The Elusive 'Inbox Zero' and How Notifications Are Ruining Our Brains
Productivity 7 min read

The Elusive 'Inbox Zero' and How Notifications Are Ruining Our Brains

What is Inbox Zero and should we be trying to achieve it? Learn more about the Inbox Zero philosophy and how to take control of your notifications with Wrike.

How To Go 'Back' to a Hybrid Workplace
Collaboration 7 min read

How To Go 'Back' to a Hybrid Workplace

Many employees are eager to get back to the office, but they also want a more flexible work schedule. Learn how to make the hybrid workplace work for your team.
