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Nicky Daly

Nicky Daly

Nicky is a former Content Marketing Manager of Wrike.

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How To Handle Return to Work Anxiety
Remote Working 5 min read

How To Handle Return to Work Anxiety

After a year of non-stop Zoom meetings, virtual team building, and four-legged office companions, returning to an in-person work location will undoubtedly take some getting used to. Back to work anxiety is a reality for many as increased global vaccination efforts make in-person office attendance a possibility once more.  From health and safety concerns to an uptick in those reporting symptoms of social anxiety, workers are citing many reasons for their return to office apprehension. Heading back to crowded commutes and group interactions will represent a significant shift in how many have lived and worked over the last year. The comforting news is that return to work anxiety is normal, and there are many ways to manage and overcome worries about heading back to the office. How to recognize return to work anxiety While some companies are embracing a “work from home forever” philosophy, other organizations have begun preparing their employees for a phased or hybrid return to the office. However, these conversations may spark dread or anxiety as return dates near.  Return to work anxiety may include: Apprehension about in-person, work-based socializing  Stress about returning to previous daily activities like commuting  Health concerns about COVID-19  Anxiety about meeting new colleagues after being onboarded remotely  Worries over feeling less productive once back in the office  Anxiety about spending less time with family and loved ones   It’s important to recognize that many are experiencing similar feelings and concerns. This is borne out by the numbers, which indicate there is a lot on workers’ minds during this transition period. Returning to work anxiety and apprehension by the numbers One Limeade Institute survey found that COVID exposure (77%), less flexibility (71%), and commuting to work (58%) were the top three reasons people said they were anxious about returning to the office. Work-life balance is also playing on the minds of workers, as is discomfort around in-person interactions. A Flexjobs survey found that 43% were worried about the impact returning to the office would have on their work-life balance One 2021 survey found that 49% of respondents said they felt “uneasy” about in-person interactions This apprehension is normal. After a year at home, pandemic-related health fears aren’t likely to disappear overnight. Similarly, the flexibility of remote work has allowed many to spend more time with their families instead of spending hours commuting to and from a physical office location.  8 tips for dealing with anxiety about going back to work Wondering how to handle the anxiety you’re feeling about heading back to the office? Here are some tips for getting through this transition period. Open up to colleagues and supervisors Chances are that you’re not alone in your worries. Be candid with colleagues and share experiences, tips, and coping techniques as you prepare to return to an office setting. Knowing that others are experiencing the same emotions can be a source of comfort and a reminder that you’re not alone. Ease yourself in and set clear boundariesIf you’re not ready to participate in work outings, trips, or other in-person social activities, that is perfectly okay. Don’t pressure yourself. Allow yourself some time and space to feel comfortable socializing with colleagues again. Pay attention to your office’s return to work plans and ask questionsKeep up-to-date with your organization’s return to work strategy. Make an effort to fully understand their expectations and speak to your company’s HR department if you have concerns, issues, or questions.  Ask for continued workplace flexibilityWorkplace flexibility is here to stay, and many companies realize this. If heading back to the office full-time is a source of anxiety, speak to your manager and HR team about adjusting your schedule, and the benefits of working from home for you specifically. This may look like a compressed workweek, hybrid office arrangement, or reduction to part-time hours.  Bring your healthy WFH habits with you, and don’t forget to decompressIf the thought of heading back to work raises your stress levels, be sure to take time out for a walk, mindful meditation, yoga break, or any other calming activity that helps you feel grounded instead of worried about the future.  Speak to a professional Any level of apprehension about returning to an office is understandable. A mental health professional can help you adjust to your next normal by teaching you stress management techniques and helping you to prioritize your wellness in this transition.  Find out what safety measures your workplace is enacting to keep employees safeKnowing what to expect as you head back to the office can help address concerns you have regarding your health and wellbeing. Get a sense of the policies your workplace intends to enforce regarding social distancing, mask-wearing, and other precautions. For the digitally onboarded, reconnect with your “buddy” or other new recruitsIn-person office attendance after virtual onboarding can be nerve-wracking. Reach out to your onboarding “buddy” to show you the lay of the land. Or, if you were both onboarded remotely, you can figure things out together. After a year away, returning to the office will impact everyone differently. Manage your return to work anxiety by remembering to set boundaries, stay up-to-date with your organization’s plans, prepare for what’s next, and seek help from a professional if you need it. Staying connected with hybrid or remote colleagues is easy with Wrike’s flexible work management software. Sign up for a free two-week trial and discover how simple it is to transition your day-to-day work from home to the office with one platform.

17 Reasons Why Remote Work is the Future (Infographic)
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17 Reasons Why Remote Work is the Future (Infographic)

Remote work stats tell us that companies need to be flexible to be competitive. Learn why Wrike is the best remote work tool to do that.

Flexible Working Is Here To Stay: Here’s How To Make it Work
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Flexible Working Is Here To Stay: Here’s How To Make it Work

Hybrid, remote, and compressed working weeks are here to stay as flexible working gets the seal of approval from global employees. Here’s how to make it work.

7 Tips for Avoiding Remote Work Security Risks
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7 Tips for Avoiding Remote Work Security Risks

The increase in remote work as a result of COVID-19 has presented its own set of secruity challenges. Learn more on identifying and mitigating these risks.

17 Surprising Statistics About Remote Work
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17 Surprising Statistics About Remote Work

Work is changing. Luckily, Wrike’s remote collaboration tools are here to help your business change with it. Find out how Wrike can help your organization adapt to the new work revolution.

Meeting Agenda Templates and Examples You Need
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Meeting Agenda Templates and Examples You Need

Plan and execute more productive meetings with these meeting agenda templates and samples. Curb multitasking, meeting overrun, and lost productivity.

Remote Collaboration Tools: Best Wrike Features for Teams
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Remote Collaboration Tools: Best Wrike Features for Teams

Remote collaboration tools like Wrike help teams stay together and be productive, even when they’re apart. Learn more about Wrike’s top collaboration features for teams.

7 Tips for Working Remotely During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Remote Working 5 min read

7 Tips for Working Remotely During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Meta description: As coronavirus concerns increase, the number of companies asking employees to work from home is also on the rise. Find out some tips for working remotely and how Wrike can help.
