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Ashley Coolman

Ashley Coolman

Ashley is a former Content Marketing Manager of Wrike. She specializes in social media, dry humor, and Oxford commas.

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Table View Improvements for Better Executive Reporting
News 3 min read

Table View Improvements for Better Executive Reporting

Managers, rejoice! We've just updated our Table View to make it even easier to export summary reports on the status of all your projects.  With our improved Table View, you'll notice a few changes: —You can hide or unhide columns using the gear icon in the upper left-hand corner of the table. —You now have the option of

7 Leadership & Mindset Tips for Extreme Project Managers
Leadership 5 min read

7 Leadership & Mindset Tips for Extreme Project Managers

If your team experiences high-stress, anxiety, low morale, and burnout from continuous, fast-paced projects, you may wonder: what can I do to escape this situation? Before you go looking for a new job, know that all is not lost. As a leader and manager, there are steps you can take to fix the poor mental

#PMChat: Join the Conversation About Project Stakeholder Management
Project Management 5 min read

#PMChat: Join the Conversation About Project Stakeholder Management

The success or failure of a project can depend on efficient stakeholder management. Stakeholders include the project team getting work done, the project team's managers providing resources and directions to the team, and anyone and everyone who could be impacted by the outcome of the project — whether they are the client, or a different

6 Strategies for Dealing with a Toxic Work Environment
Productivity 5 min read

6 Strategies for Dealing with a Toxic Work Environment

Constantly chewing on Tums to get through a bad day at the office? Sounds like you may be dealing with a toxic work environment. All joking aside, negativity at work can have serious consequences for your health and personal life. If you think that you're dealing with a toxic environment, you need to come up with

10 Encouraging Productivity Proverbs for Your Office Wall (Part 1)
Productivity 5 min read

10 Encouraging Productivity Proverbs for Your Office Wall (Part 1)

"A proverb a day keeps distractions at bay" ... Okay, you caught us. That's not a real proverb. We just made it up, but it's true nonetheless. We collected 10 well-known proverbs about productivity and backed up their claims with insider business tips and facts to encourage you on those difficult work days. Today, we'll

How to Complete Your Student Projects on Time with Wrike's Timeline
Project Management 3 min read

How to Complete Your Student Projects on Time with Wrike's Timeline

If you're a university undergraduate or graduate student, you should know that we recently announced our Wrike for Students program. We want to give you a Wrike account to keep track of all of your assignments, group projects, and random to-dos completely free — because you're already spending enough on your education. Student projects, especially group

What is Extreme Project Management and is it Right for Your Team?
Project Management 5 min read

What is Extreme Project Management and is it Right for Your Team?

Today's projects are different from the projects of 10 or 20 years ago. Mostly thanks to the introduction of the internet and subsequent cloud-based software, as well as the concept of what is a professional service coming into play, the way we work — and thus, our projects — has undergone a revolution. The way projects

How Wrike's Live Editor Makes Collaborating Easier
News 5 min read

How Wrike's Live Editor Makes Collaborating Easier

The core of Wrike's purpose is to help teams work better together. Part of that means simplifying the collaboration process for teams when multiple people need to contribute written content for a project. In the past, teams had to pass documents around through email. Person A writes their version; then Person B adds their ideas; finally

30 Startup Founders Share Their Entrepreneurship Advice
Leadership 10 min read

30 Startup Founders Share Their Entrepreneurship Advice

When you've formulated a new business idea in your head, where do you go for advice on how to make your dream a reality? Your parents? Best friend? Google? These sources almost always have opinions to share, but unless your BFF is an entrepreneur, you might be getting just that — an opinion. It's better

18 Expert Tips to Get Your Team to Collaborate Effectively
Collaboration 7 min read

18 Expert Tips to Get Your Team to Collaborate Effectively

When any new project begins, success is rarely guaranteed. Collaboration helps improve the quality of work by bringing in extra brainpower, but coordinating efforts between multiple people comes with its own challenges. These 12 experts weigh in on how to make sure your team is primed for collaboration success: Initial Project Communication Communicate the Purpose of Work “Make absolutely

10 Skills Required for Great Digital Marketers (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

10 Skills Required for Great Digital Marketers (Infographic)

"Great men are not born great, they grow great." —Mario Puzo, The Godfather Being a great digital marketer is partially intuition and the ability to speak the language of your audience; but a larger part is continually studying and learning new skills to make sure your marketing team is evolving at an equal pace with the

Checklists Make Your Tasks as Easy as 1-2-3
Wrike Tips 3 min read

Checklists Make Your Tasks as Easy as 1-2-3

When tasks have multiple components, it can be challenging to track what has been completed versus what is still in progress, especially when different segments must be completed by different people. To help you make these tasks more structured and easier to track, Wrike added a new, useful feature. Now you can further break down
