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Ashley Coolman

Ashley Coolman

Ashley is a former Content Marketing Manager of Wrike. She specializes in social media, dry humor, and Oxford commas.

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31 Quotes About Launching a Startup (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

31 Quotes About Launching a Startup (Infographic)

Launching a startup is no walk in the park. Once you decide to follow your dreams, it's a long marathon to success. Luckily, you're not the first person to take on the challenge. Read these inspirational quotes from well-known founders and CEOs for actionable startup launch advice. They cover everything from finding your niche to the

Making a Difference at the Geneva Health Forum
News 3 min read

Making a Difference at the Geneva Health Forum

We're currently in the beautiful country of Switzerland enjoying the Geneva Health Forum, surrounded by international thought leaders in the healthcare industry. And what is even more breathtaking than the majestic scenery of Switzerland itself is the energy around us as great minds come together to tackle global health issues. Robert F. Kennedy once said, "The

Project Management Terms: A Quickstart Glossary for Newbies (Part 2)
Project Management 5 min read

Project Management Terms: A Quickstart Glossary for Newbies (Part 2)

In our Quickstart Project Management Glossary for Newbies, Part 1, we revealed the secrets behind Gantt charts, the Critical Path Method, and more. And now your boss has walked in with more confusing jargon to muddle your brain: "Can you double-check our resources to make sure this project isn't in danger of scope creep?" Uh,

3 Notorious Productivity Killers and How to Fight Them (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

3 Notorious Productivity Killers and How to Fight Them (Infographic)

Do any of these situations sound familiar? You're completely focused, getting work done, and then your coworker taps you on the shoulder just to chat... and now you can't get back in the zone. Your manager assigns you a new project, but it's such a large effort that you know you won't be able to make any

Project Management Terms: A Quickstart Glossary for Newbies (Part 1)
Project Management 5 min read

Project Management Terms: A Quickstart Glossary for Newbies (Part 1)

Your boss just walked into your office and said: "We've overstretched our resources. I need you to check the Gantt chart and tell me if there is any free float for this task so we don't delay our critical path." Wait, what was that? Gantt chart? Critical path? Maybe I'm just not ready for this...

Need to Coordinate Multiple Teams? Wrike's Flexible Tagging Can Help!
News 3 min read

Need to Coordinate Multiple Teams? Wrike's Flexible Tagging Can Help!

When you prepare and execute the launch of a new product, service, or a website, there are so many things to take care of and details often fall through the cracks. The challenge is magnified when responsibility is shared between multiple teams and you need to coordinate them in the most succinct way. If a

15 Stats You Should Know to Improve Your Sales Team
Leadership 3 min read

15 Stats You Should Know to Improve Your Sales Team

As a driving force in our economy, a lot of research has been done on the world of sales. What do sales orgs need to do to drive profit? What leads to a successful sale? When is the best time to call someone, and how many times do you have to call? If you're trying to

Preview Your Files Before Downloading with Our Box View Integration
News 3 min read

Preview Your Files Before Downloading with Our Box View Integration

Providing a smooth and efficient content collaboration experience is one of the top priorities in our product development. With this in mind, we integrated Wrike with several popular file sharing tools, introduced live text collaboration, and much more. Today, we're happy to announce one more prominent enhancement: you can enjoy instant previews of all your

7 Keys to Project Stakeholder Management from the #PMChat Community
Project Management 5 min read

7 Keys to Project Stakeholder Management from the #PMChat Community

Two Wrikers helped host a #PMChat discussion on Twitter last Friday, where a community of project managers comes together once a week to discuss and share knowledge on various topics related to project management. Our team asked everyone to share advice on best practices and common roadblocks in a challenging project management area: stakeholder management. Experienced

How to Improve Your Collaborative Project Management
Project Management 5 min read

How to Improve Your Collaborative Project Management

There are three main factors that determine the success of a new project or campaign: Excellent top-down and bottom-up communication, so everyone is on the same page with progress, challenges, and achievements; Organized and collaborative project management to make sure all work is completed on time and within budget; Collaboration between team members and across departments to bring

21 Thought Leaders Tweeting About #Startups
Leadership 7 min read

21 Thought Leaders Tweeting About #Startups

Creating and developing a successful startup is not all glitz, glamor, and magazine interviews. It's a lot of hard work and long nights producing something out of nothing. Thankfully, there are a lot of people who want budding entrepreneurs to succeed — and they're all writing tips and articles full of great advice. The problem

10 Encouraging Productivity Proverbs for Your Office Wall (Part 2)
Productivity 3 min read

10 Encouraging Productivity Proverbs for Your Office Wall (Part 2)

If you read our first batch of productivity proverbs, you may remember that a picture is worth 1,000 words. So, without further delay, here are 5 more proverbs to get your productivity juices flowing on those days when all you want to do is crawl back into bed. 6. “An hour in the morning is worth
