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Ashley Coolman

Ashley Coolman

Ashley is a former Content Marketing Manager of Wrike. She specializes in social media, dry humor, and Oxford commas.

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Why Every Team Needs Work Management Tools (Infographic)
Collaboration 3 min read

Why Every Team Needs Work Management Tools (Infographic)

Do you know how many minutes you and your team waste every day? I'm not talking about those "Oops, how did I end up on Facebook again?" occasions; I'm talking about the time wasted on inefficient work: Scouring through email looking for documents Accidentally using outdated information, causing necessary rework Waiting for someone to send

How to Increase Productivity on Your Team
Productivity 7 min read

How to Increase Productivity on Your Team

You've come to that point in your management career: work isn't getting done fast enough and your team's emotional well-being is dwindling. Your own stress levels are climbing as pressure from higher-ups increases. You're trying to help your team, but no matter how hard they work, nothing is getting done and they're wilting more every

What IS Wrike Enterprise? Watch the webinar recording to find out!
News 3 min read

What IS Wrike Enterprise? Watch the webinar recording to find out!

The larger a company, the more difficult it becomes to keep track of every project. That's where Wrike Enterprise comes in, with features optimized for companies with thousands of workers, projects, and tasks. But what sets the Enterprise version apart from other Wrike plans? We recently hosted a webinar to show everyone exactly what Wrike Enterprise

13 Productivity Tools & Tips for Small Business Success
Productivity 5 min read

13 Productivity Tools & Tips for Small Business Success

When you're a small- or medium-sized business, you typically have less manpower to get all your work done. This means you need all your employees to be as productive as possible to make sure you meet all your quarterly goals. Here are some tips and tools to write into office law to help your employees make

12 Useful Project Management Boards on Pinterest
Project Management 5 min read

12 Useful Project Management Boards on Pinterest

  If you love organization (and I know all you Wrikers do), then you'll probably enjoy Pinterest. Users organize cool images, articles, and more into boards of related information. Our recent "11 Ways to Use Social Media to find PM Resources" blog post tells you HOW to find great project management resources on the social media

New Folder Colors Come to Wrike!
News 3 min read

New Folder Colors Come to Wrike!

For some time, one of our highest-volume requests has been: "We need more folder colors!" Today, we have brought a rainbow of colors to everyone's workspace. Make your workspace easier to navigate by color-coding your most important folders so they'll catch your eye immediately as you scan your folder tree. From red to purple to sea foam

Using Wrike's API to Calculate Project Budgets
Project Management 5 min read

Using Wrike's API to Calculate Project Budgets

  As a creative digital marketing agency, Rotterdam-based Pixelfarm has been using Wrike for over a year to manage daily project work ranging from Facebook campaigns to website/mobile apps to creative pitches. Because some projects require a quick turnaround, Pixelfarm chose Wrike as their main project management tool. The efficient and fast workflow in Wrike allows them

4 Weird Ways to Trick Yourself into Being Productive
Productivity 5 min read

4 Weird Ways to Trick Yourself into Being Productive

Productivity is often times an internal struggle: The Lazy You vs. The Motivated You. The Lazy You says, "It's not due today, let's wait a few more hours to get started." The Motivated You says, "The faster you get this out of the way, the faster you can move on to something even more interesting!"

Wrike, Now a Google Apps Authorized Technology Partner
News 3 min read

Wrike, Now a Google Apps Authorized Technology Partner

We're honored to announce that Wrike has been named as one of the first Google Apps Authorized Technology Partners. This will enhance our presence in the Google Apps Marketplace. In addition, as Authorized Technology Partners, we'll receive a range of product/technical, marketing, sales, program, relationship, and support benefits from Google. These benefits will ultimately help us

How to Build a Buyer Persona That Converts (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

How to Build a Buyer Persona That Converts (Infographic)

As a marketer, it's your responsibility to send the right people to your sales team and "lego" of the bad ones. You must learn as much as possible about your audience, so you can connect to people's needs on a more personal level and share your solution. Unfortunately, getting to that point can be tricky;

5 Valuable Project Management Skills You Forgot About
Project Management 3 min read

5 Valuable Project Management Skills You Forgot About

Project managers have their work cut out for them — they must manage all the various project stakeholders and keep the project on track by successfully juggling and directing their roles and responsibilities. It's easy to get bogged down by office politics, looming deadlines, and last-minute project changes. As a project manager, focusing on professional development

Top 5 Reasons for Project Failure and How to Avert Disaster
Project Management 5 min read

Top 5 Reasons for Project Failure and How to Avert Disaster

As a vendor of project management and collaboration software, we talk to a lot of project managers. And we've heard all too often that despite every obvious intention for a project to be successful, the reality is that sometimes things fall apart. My belief is that the more you are prepared to fail, the better suited
