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Ashley Coolman

Ashley Coolman

Ashley is a former Content Marketing Manager of Wrike. She specializes in social media, dry humor, and Oxford commas.

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The New Wrike Enterprise: Customized to Fit the Way You Work
News 3 min read

The New Wrike Enterprise: Customized to Fit the Way You Work

Picture a world where the systems and tools you depend on seamlessly blend into your work style without a hitch, from logging into all your critical systems with the same user credentials to quickly building and sharing custom views of everything that’s going on from the 10,000 foot level down to the most acute details. All

4 Problems with Virtual Meetings that You Can Fix
Collaboration 5 min read

4 Problems with Virtual Meetings that You Can Fix

If you really want to start running excellent meetings, this post has some pre-reading. First, check out the four-step guide to any perfect meeting for your business (virtual or otherwise), then head back over here. Virtual meetings have the same issues as face-to-face gatherings, but they come with an extra layer of difficulty. What do you

Get our New iOS App for the Best Mobile Collaboration Experience!
News 3 min read

Get our New iOS App for the Best Mobile Collaboration Experience!

Every superhero has a secret weapon. Today, we give you yours. Back in January, we released our new Android™ app. Now, our new iOS app has been released to complete the pair! It's completely new, native, faster, and better than ever — the perfect tool for defeating tasks with ease. Check it out now! With our Wrike

4 Tips to Improve Your Next Meeting
Productivity 3 min read

4 Tips to Improve Your Next Meeting

Meetings. We love them. We hate them. And let's be honest: mostly the latter. For a lot of workers, meetings are synonymous with: "A boring, pointless waste of my time." To change that mentality, we need to change the way we approach our conference calls and boardroom gatherings. Here are four best practices to make sure

Wrike is a Google Apps Premier Technology Partner
News 3 min read

Wrike is a Google Apps Premier Technology Partner

In June we announced that we were one of the first companies to become a Google Apps Authorized Technology Partner. We are now happy to reveal that we have gone a step farther to become a Google Apps Premier Technology Partner! What does this mean for our customers? As a Google Apps Premier Technology Partner, Google has

3 Lessons on High-Performing Teams from TED Talks
Collaboration 3 min read

3 Lessons on High-Performing Teams from TED Talks

If you were handed 20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti, 1 yard of masking tape, 1 yard of string, and 1 marshmallow and then told to build a tower with the marshmallow at the top, what would you do? Believe it or not, this exercise gives us a lot of insight into building high-performance teams. During

Startups Should Lean on Lean Project Management
Project Management 5 min read

Startups Should Lean on Lean Project Management

We are living in a world of entrepreneurs. Chances are you know one (at least), or you have your own ideas waiting to come to fruition. But ideas are expensive in reality. The question is, how can you get the most bang for your buck? How can CEOs and managers save money while chasing their

View Images in Your Project Activity Stream
News 3 min read

View Images in Your Project Activity Stream

If you're an avid user of the Activity Stream on your Wrike Dashboard, you're going to love this new update. Save yourself a click by previewing image attachments right in your feed.If you're an avid user of the Activity Stream on your Wrike Dashboard, you're going to love this new update. Save yourself a click by

10 Ways to Make Your Team More Productive (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

10 Ways to Make Your Team More Productive (Infographic)

Some days are just harder than others. It's the end of a week, or the day after a holiday, or there was yet another office birthday. (Cake-coma, anyone?) When your team is having a hard time focusing on their work, don't just sigh and hope things will change soon. You can actively help them jump back

New Dependent Task Notifications: Tasks Waiting for Your Input
News 3 min read

New Dependent Task Notifications: "Tasks Waiting for Your Input"

Are you linking your project steps using our task dependencies feature? It's a great way to keep track of every small advancement on the way to reaching your milestone event. But if someone else is responsible for the next step, what is the best way to let them know you've finished? @mention them in the comments? No

8 Lessons in Increased Productivity from Wrike Customers
Productivity 3 min read

8 Lessons in Increased Productivity from Wrike Customers

Crafting the perfect business pie requires a list of ingredients. A great idea, an awesome team, and an actionable plan. But the most important, do-or-die ingredient to make your perfect pie is productivity. Putting the proper thought into hiring the most productive team and creating an effective plan will keep your business from crumbling. So why

How the Best Sales Teams Collaborate to Get Better Results
Collaboration 5 min read

How the Best Sales Teams Collaborate to Get Better Results

There are sales teams, and then there are world-class sales teams. What sets the highest achievers apart from the average Joe? We looked at research around the web and, of the many factors that help a sales team run like a well-oiled machine, we were most interested in one particular finding: high-performing sales, sales operations, and
