Andrew Slate | Author and Producer at Wrike | 时远致
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Andrew Slate

Andrew Slate

Andrew Slate is a Content Marketing Associate at Wrike. He graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a degree in Business Management Economics and a minor in Technology and Information Management.

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Let’s Rethink Employee Appreciation (Video)
Collaboration 3 min read

Let’s Rethink Employee Appreciation (Video)

Workers want to feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves, but faceless gift cards and pizza parties just don't cut it. Let's try to rethink employee appreciation.

Where Automation Helps and Where It Hurts (Video)
Leadership 3 min read

Where Automation Helps and Where It Hurts (Video)

Since the invention of the assembly line, we’ve been obsessed with automation and its virtually limitless applications. But what should we automate, and what’s better off left alone?
