We love getting ideas from our users on how we can improve Wrike project management software. This helps us adjust our development roadmap to your needs and deliver the most popular requested project management features first. Recently, our customers who manage big projects have asked about the ability to apply various filters when exporting their tasks from
A few weeks ago, we encouraged all of you to have your say in our “Working Habits” survey. Thanks to your very active participation, it turned out to be a blast, with 1,000+ responses received. We really appreciate your input, and soon we’ll share the interesting findings about virtual work that you helped us to
From time to time I find out some features that help users, but sometimes are not obvious enough. Hope you will find them useful. Usually I prefer to delete my long 6-lines signature when assigning tasks via e-mail. It allows me to avoid cramming the task description which comes from the e-mail body. Of course if
.post table td{ padding: 0 5px 5px 5px; } .centercol{ font-size:10px; }(Last edited on May 29, 2009) When you choose the best project management software for your needs, you most likely want the tool to: save you time, release you from routine operations, be easy to use,
Dear Wrike customers and supporters, I just wanted to thank you for your business and for choosing Wrike. The past year brought us a lot of exciting events that couldn't have happened without you. You, our valued users, continuously inspired us to advance the service and deliver new features that help you manage your business.
The thought of victory often pushes people to do their very best. It only makes sense, then, that this mentality leads to productivity gains in the workplace. By integrating gamification with team task management, companies can inspire a healthy level of competitiveness among employees.
As we talk to customers, especially large corporations, we often hear how they’d like to have customization options to help them brand their work in Wrike. Responding to these suggestions, we introduced branded e-mail notifications within the Wrike Enterprise plan. Now you, as an admin, can add your company logo or a brand image to all
It has always been important for us to make Wrike flexible enough to fit any company’s needs. So when we received requests from our largest clients, asking for more granular IT controls, we decided to make it a priority. With the release of Wrike Enterprise, we've given admins extended IT controls, allowing you to decide
Today, we introduce you a new handy collaboration feature that lets you easily draw somebody's attention to your comments in Wrike project management software. Simply add @TeammateName in a comment to a task to invite a colleague to the task discussion! If the task wasn't shared with the teammate you mention after @, it automatically gets shared