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Wrike Team

Wrike Team

Occasionally we write blog posts where multiple people contribute. Since our idea of having a gladiator arena where contributors would fight to the death to win total authorship wasn’t approved by HR, this was the compromise.

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Improvements in User Interface: Fields for Sorting
News 3 min read

Improvements in User Interface: Fields for Sorting

The value of columns is always displayed now. Previously, this value was hidden to give you more space for the list of tasks. However, many users asked us to make this more visible. Now you can see at once by which status, responsible party, due date your tasks are sorted. I think the sorting

Three Ways to Minimize Your Project Budget Exposure
Project Management 5 min read

Three Ways to Minimize Your Project Budget Exposure

Keeping the project budget in line is one of the most difficult things in project management – and yet it is a huge factor in determining the overall success of the project when the engagement winds down. The goal is to keep it in line throughout and avoid falling into emergency mode at any point with a

Keep Massive Sets of Data in Order with New Tables in Task Descriptions
News 3 min read

Keep Massive Sets of Data in Order with New Tables in Task Descriptions

Whether you need to create a conference guest list with all names and contacts, or some kind of a stats digest to share with your colleagues, there is probably no better way to put down this data than in a table format. If you feel this to be a familiar situation, we bet you’ll like

Need Help with Managing Multiple Projects and a Team of 50?
News 3 min read

Need Help with Managing Multiple Projects and a Team of 50?

“As the projects and tasks build up, tracking them all becomes increasingly difficult with no project management software to help you,” says Joe Dean, CEO at Electronic Sports, a company developing interactive fitness games for commercial exercise equipment.  Joe is an experienced project manager, and he knows how it is to be in charge of

New Way to Prioritize Your Tasks in Wrike
News 3 min read

New Way to Prioritize Your Tasks in Wrike

Now you can set the priority of your e-mails, and your tasks in Wrike will be prioritized as well. Recently, we offered you the ability to create special folders for tasks with high priority, so that you have quick access to them. Wrike now helps you pay even more attention to high-priority tasks.  Let me

A Really Cool Project Management System!
News 3 min read

"A Really Cool Project Management System!"

Neil Robinson at Lanzen Strategy analyzed the most prominent updates of Wrike’s new version, which brought the power of social networks into project management. Neil said that Wrike’s rich features “give the project management and the team the opportunity to understand issues without recourse to a lengthy, time wasting and disruptive meeting.” Wrike’s big releases also

Intelligent e-mail notifications are coming
News 3 min read

Intelligent e-mail notifications are coming

E-mail notifications about task changes instantly let you stay in the know, but sometimes there are just too many of them. It logically happens when you actively use Wrike with your team. Fortunately it means that your team benefits from Wrike’s collaborative nature in full measure. On the other hand… we are actively working in

Global filter makes work much more pleasant
Productivity 3 min read

Global filter makes work much more pleasant

This wonderful feature has been recently brought back to life after the great changes in the user interface. Now you can search tasks and folders by the words that are contained in their titles. The filter works really fast (and we work on the performance of the other parts of the system). The temporary folder

RSS in our blog
News 3 min read

RSS in our blog

Please pay attention that the RSS subscription has appeared this week. The traditional RSS orange sign is in the block where the recent posts are placed.

How to use Wrike thanks to the ease of use of e-mail API
Project Management 3 min read

How to use Wrike thanks to the ease of use of e-mail API

If you are a developer you might wonder whether Wrike is extensible via some type of API. As of now we do not expose SOAP or REST services, but we do have extensibility through e-mail. The example of how you can use it might be useful not only for developers, but for managers as well. Let’s

Greater Visibility with New and Improved Dashboards
News 3 min read

Greater Visibility with New and Improved Dashboards

You can now use Dashboards the way you want and work faster than ever before by increasing the number of widgets you want to use on the Dashboards without worrying about whether it impacts performance.

Good News from Twitter
News 3 min read

Good News from Twitter

KendraBuchanan @kotof It's nice to see the PMS we use, Wrike, is rated #1.  Thanks for the info.  Now, we need bug tracker.  Any sug would be great! TKS! Kolcoo Tools: Wrike (Project Management Software) converts your e-mails into shared plans on the Web https://bit.ly/REdL KendraBuchanan @JustQuinn we've been using Wrike for over a year now.  I
